PHP code example of flightphp / permissions

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download flightphp/permissions library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


flightphp / permissions example snippets

// index.php

// then you probably have something that tells you who the current role is of the person
// likely you have something where you pull the current role
// from a session variable which defines this
// after someone logs in, otherwise they will have a 'guest' or 'public' role.
$current_role = 'admin';

// setup permissions
$permission = new \flight\Permission($current_role);
$permission->defineRule('loggedIn', function($current_role) {
	return $current_role !== 'guest';

// You'll probably want to persist this object in Flight somewhere
Flight::set('permission', $permission);

// some controller
class SomeController {
	public function someAction() {
		$permission = Flight::get('permission');
		if ($permission->has('loggedIn')) {
			// do something
		} else {
			// do something else

$current_role = 'admin';

// setup permissions
$permission = new \flight\Permission($current_role);
$permission->defineRule('post', function($current_role) {
	if($current_role === 'admin') {
		$permissions = ['create', 'read', 'update', 'delete'];
	} else if($current_role === 'editor') {
		$permissions = ['create', 'read', 'update'];
	} else if($current_role === 'author') {
		$permissions = ['create', 'read'];
	} else if($current_role === 'contributor') {
		$permissions = ['create'];
	} else {
		$permissions = [];
	return $permissions;
Flight::set('permission', $permission);

class PostController {
	public function create() {
		$permission = Flight::get('permission');
		if ($permission->can('post.create')) {
			// do something
		} else {
			// do something else
