PHP code example of flerex / spain-gas

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download flerex/spain-gas library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


flerex / spain-gas example snippets

use Flerex\SpainGas\Enums\Fuel;
use Flerex\SpainGas\GasApi;

$stations = GasApi::gasStations()

use Flerex\SpainGas\Dtos\Town;
use Flerex\SpainGas\Enums\Province;
use Flerex\SpainGas\GasApi;

$towns = GasApi::towns()
$townId = array_filter($towns, fn(Town $town) => stripos($town->name, 'Coruña') !== false)[0];

// Everything up to this point could be done once and then be replaced with the obtained ID to avoid unnecessary API calls. 

$stations = GasApi::gasStations()

use Flerex\SpainGas\Dtos\GasStationLocation;
use Flerex\SpainGas\Enums\Rank;
use Flerex\SpainGas\Enums\Fuel;
use Flerex\SpainGas\Enums\ServiceType;
use Flerex\SpainGas\GasApi;

$stations = GasApi::locateGasStations()

$cheapest = array_filter($stations, fn(GasStationLocation $station) => $station->rank->equals(Rank::CHEAP()));