PHP code example of flc / alidayu

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download flc/alidayu library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


flc / alidayu example snippets

use Flc\Alidayu\Client;
use Flc\Alidayu\App;
use Flc\Alidayu\Requests\AlibabaAliqinFcSmsNumSend;
use Flc\Alidayu\Requests\IRequest;

// 配置信息
$config = [
    'app_key'    => '*****',
    'app_secret' => '************',
    // 'sandbox'    => true,  // 是否为沙箱环境,默认false

// 使用方法一
$client = new Client(new App($config));
$req    = new AlibabaAliqinFcSmsNumSend;

        'number' => rand(100000, 999999)

$resp = $client->execute($req);

// 使用方法二
Client::configure($config);  // 全局定义配置(定义一次即可,无需重复定义)

$resp = Client::request('alibaba.aliqin.fc.sms.num.send', function (IRequest $req) {
            'number' => rand(100000, 999999)

// 返回结果