PHP code example of firusvictor / instagramapi

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download firusvictor/instagramapi library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


firusvictor / instagramapi example snippets

use InstaLite;

$instagram = new InstaLite("username", "password", "proxy");

/** search user (return array standart instagram) **/
$user = $instagram->searchUser('alex')->id();

/** check #tag on user wall **/
$is_tag = $instagram->isHashtagByName('alex', 'tag')->all();

/** check user subscription on this server profile **/
$is_tag = $instagram->isSubscriptionByName('alex')->all();

/** send photo **/
$instagram->uploadPhoto(__DIR__ . '/img.jpg', 'text #hashtag');

/** send message direct **/
$instagram->sendMessage('text message', [1233, 1233, 1223]);

$key = "search first name or username ...";
$user = $instagram->searchUser($key);
/** return array user id **/
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

/** return array user standart formate instagram **/
        pk: ""
        username: ""
        full_name: ""
        is_private: false
        profile_pic_url: ""
        profile_pic_id: ""
        is_verified: false
        has_anonymous_profile_picture: false
        mutual_followers_count: 0
        social_context: ""
        search_social_context: ""
        friendship_status: {}
        latest_reel_media: 1580484486
        seen: 0

/** file photo mimetype JPEG **/
$photo = __DIR__ . '/image.jpg';
/** Message text and Hashtag **/
$message = 'Hello InstaGram';
$upload = $instagram->uploadPhoto($photo, $message);
/** Result **/
if($upload) {
    /** upload photo sussecc **/
    echo $upload;
    /** media id **/

/** Array user id **/
$user = [12356456, 45645465];
/** Message text **/
$message = 'Hello InstaGram';
$send = $instagram->sendMessage($message, $user);
/** Result **/
if($send) {
    /** message send sussecc **/

/** socks5 **/
$instagram = new InstaLite("username", "password", "socks5://login:password@ip:port");
/** http/https **/
$instagram = new InstaLite("username", "password", "http://login:password@ip:port");