PHP code example of firmantr3 / laravel-midtrans

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download firmantr3/laravel-midtrans library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


firmantr3 / laravel-midtrans example snippets

return [
    'providers': [
        // Other Providers above

'Midtrans' => Firmantr3\Midtrans\Facade\Midtrans::class,

use Firmantr3\Midtrans\Facade\Midtrans;

$params = array(
    'transaction_details' => array(
        'order_id' => rand(),
        'gross_amount' => 10000,

$snapToken = Midtrans::getSnapToken($params);

use Firmantr3\Midtrans\Facade\Midtrans;

// somewhere in your controller

$params = array(
    'transaction_details' => array(
        'order_id' => rand(),
        'gross_amount' => 10000,

try {
  // Get Snap Payment Page URL
  $paymentRedirectUrl = Midtrans::createTransaction($params)->redirect_url;
  // Redirect to Snap Payment Page
  return redirect($paymentRedirectUrl);
catch (Exception $e) {
  echo $e->getMessage();

use Firmantr3\Midtrans\Facade\Midtrans;

$clientKey = Midtrans::clientKey();

use Firmantr3\Midtrans\Facade\Midtrans;

// somewhere in your controller

// Populate items
$items = array(
        'id'       => 'item1',
        'price'    => 100000,
        'quantity' => 1,
        'name'     => 'Adidas f50'
        'id'       => 'item2',
        'price'    => 50000,
        'quantity' => 2,
        'name'     => 'Nike N90'

// Populate customer's billing address
$billing_address = array(
    'first_name'   => "Andri",
    'last_name'    => "Setiawan",
    'address'      => "Karet Belakang 15A, Setiabudi.",
    'city'         => "Jakarta",
    'postal_code'  => "51161",
    'phone'        => "081322311801",
    'country_code' => 'IDN'

// Populate customer's shipping address
$shipping_address = array(
    'first_name'   => "John",
    'last_name'    => "Watson",
    'address'      => "Bakerstreet 221B.",
    'city'         => "Jakarta",
    'postal_code'  => "51162",
    'phone'        => "081322311801",
    'country_code' => 'IDN'

// Populate customer's info
$customer_details = array(
    'first_name'       => "Andri",
    'last_name'        => "Setiawan",
    'email'            => "[email protected]",
    'phone'            => "081322311801",
    'billing_address'  => $billing_address,
    'shipping_address' => $shipping_address

// Create transaction summary
$transaction_details = array(
    'order_id'    => time(),
    'gross_amount'  => 200000

// Token ID from checkout page
$token_id = app('request')->token_id;
// Transaction data to be sent
$transaction_data = array(
    'payment_type' => 'credit_card',
    'credit_card'  => array(
        'token_id'      => $token_id,
        'authentication'=> true,
//        'bank'          => 'bni', // optional to set acquiring bank
//        'save_token_id' => true   // optional for one/two clicks feature
    'transaction_details' => $transaction_details,
    'item_details'        => $items,
    'customer_details'    => $customer_details

// do charge
$response = Midtrans::charge($transaction_data);

// Success
if($response->transaction_status == 'capture') {
    echo "<p>Transaksi berhasil.</p>";
    echo "<p>Status transaksi untuk order id $response->order_id: " .

    echo "<h3>Detail transaksi:</h3>";
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
// Deny
else if($response->transaction_status == 'deny') {
    echo "<p>Transaksi ditolak.</p>";
    echo "<p>Status transaksi untuk order id .$response->order_id: " .

    echo "<h3>Detail transaksi:</h3>";
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
// Challenge
else if($response->transaction_status == 'challenge') {
    echo "<p>Transaksi challenge.</p>";
    echo "<p>Status transaksi untuk order id $response->order_id: " .

    echo "<h3>Detail transaksi:</h3>";
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
// Error
else {
    echo "<p>Terjadi kesalahan pada data transaksi yang dikirim.</p>";
    echo "<p>Status message: [$response->status_code] " .

    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";

use Firmantr3\Midtrans\Facade\Midtrans;

// somewhere in your controller

$notification = Midtrans::notification();
* $notificationArray = $notification->toArray();
* $notificationObject = $notification->toObject();

$transaction = $notification->transaction_status;
$fraud = $notification->fraud_status;

error_log("Order ID $notification->order_id: "."transaction status = $transaction, fraud staus = $fraud");

if ($transaction == 'capture') {
    if ($fraud == 'challenge') {
      // TODO Set payment status in merchant's database to 'challenge'
    else if ($fraud == 'accept') {
      // TODO Set payment status in merchant's database to 'success'
else if ($transaction == 'cancel') {
    if ($fraud == 'challenge') {
      // TODO Set payment status in merchant's database to 'failure'
    else if ($fraud == 'accept') {
      // TODO Set payment status in merchant's database to 'failure'
else if ($transaction == 'deny') {
      // TODO Set payment status in merchant's database to 'failure'

use Firmantr3\Midtrans\Facade\Midtrans;

// somewhere in your controller
$status = Midtrans::status($orderId);

use Firmantr3\Midtrans\Facade\Midtrans;

// somewhere in your controller
$approve = Midtrans::approve($orderId);

use Firmantr3\Midtrans\Facade\Midtrans;

// somewhere in your controller
$cancel = Midtrans::cancel($orderId);

use Firmantr3\Midtrans\Facade\Midtrans;

// somewhere in your controller
$cancel = Midtrans::cancel($orderId);

use Firmantr3\Midtrans\Facade\Midtrans;

    ->andReturn('My Token');

$myToken = Midtrans::getSnapToken(['parameters'])); // returns "My Token"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Firmantr3\\Midtrans\\Providers\\MidtransServiceProvider