PHP code example of firezihai / address-smart-parse

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download firezihai/address-smart-parse library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


firezihai / address-smart-parse example snippets

$address = '18000000000 贵州黔南州平塘县卡蒲毛南族乡河中村 李子海 ';

$smartParse = new AddressSmartParse();

$res = $smartParse->parse($address);

/* Array
    [province] => 贵州省
    [city] => 黔南布依族苗族自治州
    [district] => 平塘县
    [town] => 卡蒲毛南族乡
    [mobile] => 18000000000
    [name] => 李子海
    [address] => 河中村

class RegionService {
    public function getRegion($regionName)
        $region = Region::query()->where('name','=',$name)->first(['id','name','parent_id']);
        return $region  ? $region->toArray() : '';


$service = new RegionService();
$address = '18000000000 广东省中山市南头镇南头大道中59号 ';

$service = new RegionService();
$smartParse = new AddressSmartParse([$service,'getRegion']);
$res = $smartParse->parse($address);

/* Array
    [province] => 广东省
    [city] => 中山市
    [district] => 
    [town] => 南头镇
    [mobile] => 18000000000
    [name] => 李子海
    [address] => 南头大道中59号