PHP code example of fire / business-api-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download fire/business-api-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


fire / business-api-sdk example snippets

// Set up the PHP Client and log in - keep your login credentials out of the code and out of Github!!
$client = new Fire\Business\Client();

$client = new Fire\Business\Client("");

# Get lists of Fire Account and Payees
print_r ($client->accounts->read());
print_r ($client->payees->read());

# Get details of individual accounts/payees and the transactions for them.
print_r ($client->account(2150)->read());
print_r ($client->payee(15996)->read());

# Get details of individual accounts/payees and the transactions for them.
print_r ($client->account(2150)->transactions());
print_r ($client->payee(15996)->transactions());

# Get items 10-35 of a list of transactions
print_r ($client->account(2150)->transactions(array("offset"=>10, "limit"=>25)));

# Perform an internal transfer between two of your Fire accounts
try {
	$batch = $client->batches->create(array(
		"type" => "INTERNAL_TRANSFER",
		"currency" => "EUR",
		"batchName" => "January 2018 Payroll",
		"jobNumber" => "2018-01-PR",
		"callbackUrl" => ""
	$batchId = $batch["batchUuid"];

	# retrieve batch details
	print_r ($client->batch($batchId)->read());

	# Add an internal transfer
	$transaction = $client->batch($batchId)->addInternalTransfer(array(
		"icanFrom" => "2150",
		"icanTo" => "5532",
		"amount" => "100",
		"ref" => "Testing PHP Library"

	# List trasnfers in the batch
	$internalTransfers = $client->batch($batchId)->internalTransfers->read();
	print_r ($internalTransfers);
	# remove a transfer if 

# Perform a bank transfer to a payee
try {
        // Bank Transfers - create a batch, add/remove transfers, submit
	$batch = $client->batches->create(array(
		"type" => "BANK_TRANSFER",
		"currency" => "EUR",
		"batchName" => "March 2019 Payroll",
		"jobNumber" => "2019-03-PR",
		"callbackUrl" => ""
	$batchId = $batch["batchUuid"];

	print_r ($client->batch($batchId)->read());

	$transaction = $client->batch($batchId)->addBankTransfer(array(
		"icanFrom" => "2150",
		"payeeId" => "1304",
		"payeeType" => "PAYEE_ID",
		"amount" => "500",
		"myRef" => "PHP Library Test",
		"yourRef" => "PHP Library Test"
	# Add a bank transfer using account details instead:
	$transaction = $client->batch($batchId)->addBankTransfer(array(
		"icanFrom" => "2001",
		"payeeType" => "ACCOUNT_DETAILS", 
		"destIban" => "IE00AIBK93123412341234", 
		"destAccountHolderName" => "John Smith",
		"amount" => "500"
		"myRef" => "Payment to John Smith for Consultancy in Dec.",
		"yourRef" => "ACME LTD - INV 23434"

	$bankTransfers = $client->batch($batchId)->bankTransfers->read();
	print_r ($bankTransfers);
	print_r ($client->batch($batchId)->bankTransfer($bankTransfers["items"][0]["batchItemUuid"])->delete());
	# Submit the batch. This triggers a notification to be sent to the Firework for Business mobile app for approval.
	# Transfers will not be processed until the batch is approved.
	# If 

// you can either pull in the library using Fire/Starter if you've copied the library to your standard library location.

// Or using the Composer dependency manager
hook\Handler($keyId, $secret);

// $events is an array of Fire\Business\Model\Transactions
$events = $handler->parse($raw_post_data);

print $events[0];
 testwebhook.php --ref="INV 23798" --amount=1249 --endpoint=