PHP code example of fidry / makefile

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download fidry/makefile library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


fidry / makefile example snippets


namespace Acme;

use Fidry\Makefile\Test\BaseMakefileTestCase;

 * @coversNothing
class MakefileTest extends BaseMakefileTestCase
    protected static function getMakefilePath(): string
        return __DIR__.'/../Makefile';

    protected function getExpectedHelpOutput(): string
        // It looks a bit ugly due to the coloring, but in practice still remains easy to update.
        // If you find it tedious to do it manually, I recommend to manually check the output
        // with `make help` and then copy it, e.g. via `make help | pbcopy` and then paste it here.
        return <<<'EOF'
              make TARGET
            # Commands
            default: Runs the default task
            test:	  Runs all the tests
            composer_validate:  Validates the Composer package
            phpunit:    Runs PHPUnit
