PHP code example of ffi / ide-helper-generator

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ffi/ide-helper-generator library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ffi / ide-helper-generator example snippets

use FFI\Generator\Metadata\CastXMLGenerator;

(new CastXMLGenerator(
    binary: 'castxml', // path to binary (optional)
    temp: 'storage', // path to temp directory (optional)

if (!is_file('/path/to/metadata.xml')) {
    // Generate metadata: (new CastXMLGenerator())->...

use FFI\Generator\Metadata\CastXMLParser;

$ast = (new CastXMLParser())

use FFI\Generator\PhpStormMetadataGenerator;
use FFI\Generator\SimpleNamingStrategy;

$generator = new PhpStormMetadataGenerator(
    argumentSetPrefix: 'ffi_', // Optional prefix for all argument sets to be registered
                               // in metadata files.
    ignoreDirectories: ['/usr'], // Optional list of directories with headers whose types
                                 // should be excluded from the generated code.
    naming: new SimpleNamingStrategy(
        entrypoint: 'FFI\\Generated\\EntrypointInterface',  // The name of the main FFI class
                                                            // for which methods for autocomplete
                                                            // will be generated.
        externalNamespace: 'FFI\\Generated', // Namespace for all public types (e.g. enums) that
                                             // can be used in PHP code.
        internalNamespace: 'PHPSTORM_META', // Namespace for all generated types which should not
                                            // be 

use FFI\Generator\PhpStormMetadataGenerator;
use FFI\Generator\SimpleNamingStrategy;

$generator = new PhpStormMetadataGenerator(
    naming: new class extends SimpleNamingStrategy 
        // Each enum value will be converted to CamelCase
        // instead of UPPER_SNAKE_CASE (by default)
        protected function getEnumValueName(string $name): string
            return $this->toCamelCase($name);

use FFI\Generator\Metadata\CastXMLGenerator;
use FFI\Generator\Metadata\CastXMLParser;
use FFI\Generator\PhpStormMetadataGenerator;
use FFI\Generator\SimpleNamingStrategy;

const INPUT_HEADERS = __DIR__ . '/path/to/headers.h';
const OUTPUT_FILE = __DIR__ . '/path/to/.phpstorm.meta.php';

fwrite(STDOUT, " - [1/3] Generating metadata files\n");
if (!is_file(INPUT_HEADERS . '.xml')) {
    (new CastXMLGenerator())
        ->save(INPUT_HEADERS . '.xml')

fwrite(STDOUT, " - [2/3] Building AST\n");
$ast = (new CastXMLParser())
    ->parse(INPUT_HEADERS . '.xml')

fwrite(STDOUT, " - [3/3] Generating IDE helper\n");
$result = (new PhpStormMetadataGenerator())

fwrite(STDOUT, " - DONE!\n");
file_put_contents(OUTPUT_FILE, (string)$result);