PHP code example of ferdiunal / nova-shield

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ferdiunal/nova-shield library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ferdiunal / nova-shield example snippets

return [
     * Specify the resources that will be used in the project.
     * If you want to use custom resources, you can add them to the list.
    'resources' => [
        // Custom resource: For custom menu items
        // [
        //     "name" => "Custom Menu Item",
        //     "prefix" => "customMenuItem::",
        //     "policies" => ["CustomMenuPolicy"] // Add custom menu policies here
        // ]

    // 'teamFields' => \App\Lib\TeamField::class,

     * Constant policies of Laravel Nova
    'policies' => [

     * Specify the file path of each language files for authorisations.
    'langs' => [
        // lang_path('en/nova-shield.json'),
        // base_path('langs/en/nova-shield.json'),

     * Default Super admin role name and guard
    'superAdmin' => [
        'name' => 'super-admin',
        'guard' => 'web',

    'hooks' => [
         * When matching permissions with roles, upsert is used by default.
         * If you are using custom ID types like UUID or ULID, you need to 

    // app/Providers/NovaServiceProvider.php
    Nova::mainMenu(function (Request $request) {
        return [
            MenuItem::make('Custom Menu Item')
                    function ($request) {
                        return $request->user()->can('CustomMenuPolicy');

    // ----

    // config/nova-shield.php
    return [
        "resources" => [
            // Custom resource: For custom menu items
                "name" => "Custom Menu Item",
                "prefix" => "customMenuItem::",
                "policies" => ['CustomMenuPolicy'] // Add custom menu policies here

namespace App\Nova;

use Ferdiunal\NovaShield\PermissionAuthorizable;
use Laravel\Nova\Resource as NovaResource;

abstract class Resource extends NovaResource
    use PermissionAuthorizable;

// App\Models\User

use Ferdiunal\NovaShield\Contracts\HasShieldTeam;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;

class User extends Authenticatable implements HasShieldTeam
    public function getTeamIdAttribute(): mixed
        // return $this->team_id

namespace App\Lib;

use Ferdiunal\NovaShield\Lib\NovaTeamHelperField;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Field;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Select;

class TeamField extends NovaTeamHelperField
    public static function field(): Field
        return Select::make('Teams', 'team_id')

return [

    | Nova Route Middleware
    | These middleware will be assigned to every Nova route, giving you the
    | chance to add your own middleware to this stack or override any of
    | the existing middleware. Or, you can just stick with this stack.

    'middleware' => [

// app/SyncPermissionHook.php

namespace App;

use Ferdiunal\NovaShield\Contracts\SyncPermissionHook as SyncPermissionHookContract;
use Illuminate\Support\LazyCollection;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Spatie\Permission\Contracts\Role;
use Spatie\Permission\Models\Permission;

class SyncPermissionHook implements SyncPermissionHookContract
     * Sync permissions to a role
     * @param  array<int,string>  $permissions
     * @return void
    public function __invoke(Role $role, $permissions)
                ->map(function ($permission) use (&$role) {
                    return [
                        'id' => Str::uuid(),
                        'name' => $permission,
                        'guard_name' => $role->guard_name,
                        'created_at' => now(),
                        'updated_at' => now(),
            ['name', 'guard_name'],
            ['name', 'guard_name'],


// config/nova-shield.php

return [
    'hooks' => [
         * When matching permissions with roles, upsert is used by default.
         * If you are using custom ID types like UUID or ULID, you need to 
php artisan vendor:publish --tag nova-shield-config
php artisan artisan nova-shield:sync-super-admin
php artisan nova-shield:super-admin