PHP code example of fengkui / xcx
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download fengkui/xcx library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
fengkui / xcx example snippets
# 微信小程序配置
$wechatConfig = [
'appid' => '',
'secret' => '',
# QQ小程序配置
$qqConfig = [
'appid' => '',
'secret' => '',
# 百度小程序配置
$baiduConfig = [
'appid' => '',
'appkey' => '',
'secret' => '',
# 字节跳动小程序配置
$bytedanceConfig = [
'appid' => '',
'secret' => '',
# 钉钉小程序配置
$dingtalkConfig = [
'agentid' => '', // agentid
'appkey' => '', // appkey
'secret' => '', // secret
'robot_appkey' => '', // robot_appkey
'robot_secret' => '', // robot_secret
# 支付宝小程序配置
$alipayConfig = [
'app_id' => '', // 支付宝分配给开发者的应用ID
'public_key' => '', // 请填写支付宝公钥
'private_key' => '', // 请填写开发者私钥去头去尾去回车
$xcx = new \fengkui\Xcx\Wechat($wechatConfig); // 微信
$xcx = new \fengkui\Xcx\Qq($qqConfig); // QQ
$xcx = new \fengkui\Xcx\Baidu($baiduConfig); // 百度
$xcx = new \fengkui\Xcx\Bytedance($bytedanceConfig); // 字节跳动
$xcx = new \fengkui\Xcx\Dingtalk($dingtalkConfig); // 钉钉
$xcx = new \fengkui\Xcx\Alipay($alipayConfig); // 支付宝