PHP code example of felipeweb11 / laravel-easymutators

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download felipeweb11/laravel-easymutators library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


felipeweb11 / laravel-easymutators example snippets

$user = User::find(1);
$user->profile_photo = $request->file('photo');

$user->profile_photo = '';

echo $user->profile_photo->url; //Returns photo url
echo $user->profile_photo->width; //Get width of image
echo $user->profile_photo->height; //Get height of image

// config/app.php
'providers' => [

return [

    | Filesystem Storage Disk
    | The filesystems on which to store added media. Choose one of the
    | filesystems you configured in app/config/filesystems.php

    'storage_disk' => env('EASYMUTATORS_STORAGE_DISK', 'easymutators'),

    | Default image path generator
    | Default path generator class, used to generate the of files based on
    | mapping.

    'default_path_generator' => \Webeleven\EasyMutators\Upload\DefaultPathGenerator::class,

    | Image Driver
    | This package uses Intervention Image internally that supports "GD Library"
    | and "Imagick" to process images. You may choose one of them according to
    | your PHP configuration. By default PHP's "GD Library" implementation is
    | used.
    | Supported: "gd", "imagick"

    'image_driver' => 'gd',

    | Delete old media
    | Determine if old media should be deleted from filesystem.
    | Options: false, "on-set", "on-save"

    'delete_old_media' => 'on-save',

   | Default objects
   | Default value objects classes, this is an alias array used to map to value
   | object class.

    'objects' => [
        'file' => \Webeleven\EasyMutators\ValueObjects\File::class,
        'image' => \Webeleven\EasyMutators\ValueObjects\Image::class,
        'settings' => \Webeleven\EasyMutators\ValueObjects\Settings::class


    'disks' => [

        'easymutators' => [
            'driver' => 'local',
            'root' => storage_path('app/public/media'),
            'url' => env('APP_URL').'/storage/media',
            'visibility' => 'public',

class CreateUsersTable extends Migration

     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
            //If you are using MySQL 5.7 you can use JSON column type instead of text


use Webeleven\EasyMutators\EasyMutatorsTrait;

class User extends Model

    use EasyMutatorsTrait;
    // Here you should set the attribute name and type.
    // You can use predefined types of easymutators.php config file
    // or create your own value objects that should implements
    // Webeleven\EloquentValueObject\ValueObjectInterface
    protected $mutations = [
        'profile_photo' => 'image'
    // Add field to fillable
    protected $fillable = [


$user = User::find(1);
$user->profile_photo = $request->file('photo');

//Or directly from an URL
$user->profile_photo = 'http://anyresourceurl/some_image.jpg';

//And save the user in database

use Webeleven\EasyMutators\EasyMutatorsTrait;
use Webeleven\EasyMutators\Mapping\MediaMapper;

class User extends Model

    use EasyMutatorsTrait;
    protected $mutations = [
        'profile_photo' => 'image'
    protected function mapMedia(MediaMapper $mapper)
        $profilePhoto = $mapper->image('profile_photo')
            ->generatePathWith('App\MyOwnPathGenerator::class') // Implements Webeleven\EasyMutators\Upload\PathGenerator


echo $user->profile_photo->medium->url;         //Returns url of medium image
echo $user->profile_photo->medium->width;       //Get width of medium image
echo $user->profile_photo->medium->height;      //Get height of medium image

echo $user->profile_photo->small->url;          //Returns url of small image
echo $user->profile_photo->small->width;        //Get width of small image
echo $user->profile_photo->small->height;       //Get height of small image

//You can also access other attributes like:
echo $user->profile_photo->small->filename;     //Returns filename of image
echo $user->profile_photo->small->name;         //Returns name of image
echo $user->profile_photo->small->path;         //Returns path of image
echo $user->profile_photo->small->size;         //Returns size of image

use Webeleven\EasyMutators\EasyMutatorsTrait;
use Webeleven\EasyMutators\Mapping\MediaMapper;

class User extends Model

    use EasyMutatorsTrait;
    protected $mutations = [
        'profile_photo' => 'image'
    protected function mapMedia(MediaMapper $mapper)
        //Custom base upload dir for this model
        $mapper->baseUploadDir('nameOfDirectory/' + $this->name);


interface ValueObjectInterface extends Arrayable
     * @param $value
    public function __construct($value); // Implement logic do construct your value object

     * @return mixed
    public function toScalar();          // Convert value object to scalar format

     * @return string
    public function __toString();        // Convert the value objects to database format (string or json string)

     * @param array $args
     * @return ValueObjectInterface
    public static function make();       // Used to create a new value object instance

use Webeleven\EasyMutators\EasyMutatorsTrait;

class User extends Model

    use EasyMutatorsTrait;
    protected $mutations = [
        'my_attribute' => MyCustomValueObject::class
    // Add field to fillable
    protected $fillable = [


'objects' => [
    'my-custom-value-object' => MyCustomValueObject::class
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Webeleven\EasyMutators\EasyMutatorsServiceProvider" --tag="config"