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felipedamacenoteodoro / laravel-whatsapp-notification-channel example snippets
# config/whatsapp-notification-channel/services.php
'whatsapp-bot-api' => [
'whatsappSessionFieldName' => env('WHATSAPP_API_SESSION_FIELD_NAME', ''), //Session field name
'whatsappSession' => env('WHATSAPP_API_SESSION', ''), // session value
'base_uri' => env('WHATSAPP_API_BASE_URL', ''), // Your venom base url api
'mapMethods' => [
'sendMessage' => 'sendText',
'sendDocument' => 'sendFile',
], /* If you want to change the methods that will be called in the api, you can map them here, example: sendMessage will be replaced by the sendText method of the api */
use NotificationChannels\Whatsapp\WhatsappMessage;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
class InvoicePaid extends Notification
public function via($notifiable)
return ["whatsapp"];
public function toWhatsapp($notifiable)
$url = url('/invoice/' . $this->invoice->id);
return WhatsappMessage::create()
// Optional recipient user id.
// Markdown supported.
->content("Hello there!\nYour invoice has been *PAID*")
// (Optional) Blade template for the content.
// ->view('notification', ['url' => $url])
public function toWhatsapp($notifiable)
return WhatsappFile::create()
->to($notifiable->whatsapp_number) // Optional
->content('Audio') // Optional Caption
public function toWhatsapp($notifiable)
return WhatsappFile::create()
->to($notifiable->whatsapp_number) // Optional
->content('Awesome *bold* text')
->file('/storage/archive/6029014.jpg', 'photo'); // local photo
// OR using a helper method with or without a remote file.
// ->photo('https://file-examples-com.github.io/uploads/2017/10/file_example_JPG_1MB.jpg');
public function toWhatsapp($notifiable)
return WhatsappFile::create()
->to($notifiable->whatsapp_number) // Optional
->content('Did you know we can set a custom filename too?')
->document('https://file-examples-com.github.io/uploads/2017/10/file-sample_150kB.pdf', 'sample.pdf');
public function toWhatsapp($notifiable)
return WhatsappLocation::create()
public function toWhatsapp($notifiable)
return WhatsappFile::create()
->content('Sample *video* notification!')
public function toWhatsapp($notifiable)
return WhatsappFile::create()
->content('Woot! We can send animated gif notifications too!')
// Or local file
// ->animation('/path/to/some/animated.gif');
* Route notifications for the Whatsapp channel.
* @return int
public function routeNotificationForWhatsapp()
return $this->whatsapp_number;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification;
Notification::route('whatsapp', 'WHATSAPP_SESSION')
->notify(new InvoicePaid($invoice));
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification;
// Recipients can be an array of numbers or collection of notifiable entities.
Notification::send($recipients, new InvoicePaid());