PHP code example of fedemotta / localeurls

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download fedemotta/localeurls library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


fedemotta / localeurls example snippets

return array(
    // ...
    'components' => array(
        // ...
        'urlManager' => array(
            'class'     => 'ext.localeurls.LocaleUrlManager',

            // Advanced configuration with defaults (see below)
            //'languageParam'   => 'language',
        'request' => array(
            'class'     => 'ext.localeurls.LocaleHttpRequest',
            'languages' => array('en_us','en','de','fr'),

            // Since version 1.1.3 you can also map url => language
            // 'languages' => array(
            //      'english'   => 'en',
            //      'deutsch'   => 'de',
            //      'fr',
            //  )

            // Advanced configuration with defaults (see below)
            //'detecLanguage'           => true,
            //'languageCookieLifetime'  => 31536000,
            //'persistLanguage'         => true,
            //'redirectDefault'         => false,
            //'redirectDefaultTo'         => '/site/selector',
        // ...

$germanUrl = $this->createUrl('site/contact', array('language' => 'de'));

class LanguageSelector extends CWidget
    public function run()
        $app        = Yii::app();
        $route      = $app->controller->route;
        $languages  = $app->request->languages;
        $language   = $app->language;
        $params     = $_GET;

        echo CHtml::link($language. ' <b class="caret"></b>', '#', array(
            'class'         => 'dropdown-toggle',
            'data-toggle'   => 'dropdown'

        array_unshift($params, $route);

        echo '<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenu">';
        foreach($languages as $lang)

            $params['language'] = $lang;

            echo '<li>'.CHtml::link($lang,$params ).'</li>';
        echo '</ul>';