PHP code example of fau / flight

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download fau/flight library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


fau / flight example snippets

Flight::route('/', function(){
    echo 'hello world!';


Flight::route('/', function(){
    echo 'hello world!';


Flight::route('/', function(){
    echo 'hello world!';

function hello(){
    echo 'hello world!';

Flight::route('/', 'hello');

class Greeting {
    public static function hello() {
        echo 'hello world!';

Flight::route('/', array('Greeting','hello'));

Flight::route('GET /', function(){
    echo 'I received a GET request.';

Flight::route('POST /', function(){
    echo 'I received a POST request.';

Flight::route('GET|POST /', function(){
    echo 'I received either a GET or a POST request.';

Flight::route('/user/[0-9]+', function(){
    // This will match /user/1234

Flight::route('/@name/@id', function($name, $id){
    echo "hello, $name ($id)!";

Flight::route('/@name/@id:[0-9]{3}', function($name, $id){
    // This will match /bob/123
    // But will not match /bob/12345

Flight::route('/blog(/@year(/@month(/@day)))', function($year, $month, $day){
    // This will match the following URLS:
    // /blog/2012/12/10
    // /blog/2012/12
    // /blog/2012
    // /blog

Flight::route('/blog/*', function(){
    // This will match /blog/2000/02/01

Flight::route('*', function(){
    // Do something

Flight::route('/user/@name', function($name){
    // Check some condition
    if ($name != "Bob") {
        // Continue to next route
        return true;

Flight::route('/user/*', function(){
    // This will get called

Flight::route('/', function($route){
    // Array of HTTP methods matched against

    // Array of named parameters

    // Matching regular expression

    // Contains the contents of any '*' used in the URL pattern
}, true);

// Map your method
Flight::map('hello', function($name){
    echo "hello $name!";

// Call your custom method

// Register your class
Flight::register('user', 'User');

// Get an instance of your class
$user = Flight::user();

// Register class with constructor parameters
Flight::register('db', 'PDO', array('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test','user','pass'));

// Get an instance of your class
// This will create an object with the defined parameters
//     new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test','user','pass');
$db = Flight::db();

// The callback will be passed the object that was constructed
Flight::register('db', 'PDO', array('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test','user','pass'), function($db){

// Shared instance of the class
$shared = Flight::db();

// New instance of the class
$new = Flight::db(false);

Flight::map('notFound', function(){
    // Display custom 404 page

// Register your custom class
Flight::register('router', 'MyRouter');

// When Flight loads the Router instance, it will load your class
$myrouter = Flight::router();

function(&$params, &$output) {
    // Filter code

Flight::before('start', function(&$params, &$output){
    // Do something

Flight::after('start', function(&$params, &$output){
    // Do something

// Map a custom method
Flight::map('hello', function($name){
    return "Hello, $name!";

// Add a before filter
Flight::before('hello', function(&$params, &$output){
    // Manipulate the parameter
    $params[0] = 'Fred';

// Add an after filter
Flight::after('hello', function(&$params, &$output){
    // Manipulate the output
    $output .= " Have a nice day!";

// Invoke the custom method
echo Flight::hello('Bob');

Flight::before('start', function(&$params, &$output){
    echo 'one';

Flight::before('start', function(&$params, &$output){
    echo 'two';

    // This will end the chain
    return false;

// This will not get called
Flight::before('start', function(&$params, &$output){
    echo 'three';

// Save your variable
Flight::set('id', 123);

// Elsewhere in your application
$id = Flight::get('id');

if (Flight::has('id')) {
     // Do something

// Clears the id variable

// Clears all variables

Flight::set('flight.log_errors', true);

Flight::render('hello.php', array('name' => 'Bob'));

Hello, ' echo $name; 

Flight::view()->set('name', 'Bob');


Flight::set('flight.views.path', '/path/to/views');

Flight::render('header', array('heading' => 'Hello'), 'header_content');
Flight::render('body', array('body' => 'World'), 'body_content');

Flight::render('layout', array('title' => 'Home Page'));

<h1> echo $heading; 

<div> echo $body; 

<title> echo $title; 

// Load Smarty library
 the view class
// Also pass a callback function to configure Smarty on load
Flight::register('view', 'Smarty', array(), function($smarty){
    $smarty->template_dir = './templates/';
    $smarty->compile_dir = './templates_c/';
    $smarty->config_dir = './config/';
    $smarty->cache_dir = './cache/';

// Assign template data
Flight::view()->assign('name', 'Bob');

// Display the template

Flight::map('render', function($template, $data){

Flight::map('error', function(Exception $ex){
    // Handle error
    echo $ex->getTraceAsString();

Flight::set('flight.log_errors', true);

Flight::map('notFound', function(){
    // Handle not found


Flight::redirect('/new/location', 401);

$request = Flight::request();

$id = Flight::request()->query['id'];

$id = Flight::request()->query->id;

$body = Flight::request()->getBody();

$id = Flight::request()->data->id;

Flight::route('/news', function(){
    echo 'This content will be cached.';

Flight::route('/news', function(){
    echo 'This content will be cached.';


Flight::halt(200, 'Be right back...');


Flight::json(array('id' => 123));

Flight::jsonp(array('id' => 123), 'q');

Flight::set('flight.log_errors', true);

Flight::map($name, $callback) // Creates a custom framework method.
Flight::register($name, $class, [$params], [$callback]) // Registers a class to a framework method.
Flight::before($name, $callback) // Adds a filter before a framework method.
Flight::after($name, $callback) // Adds a filter after a framework method.
Flight::path($path) // Adds a path for autoloading classes.
Flight::get($key) // Gets a variable.
Flight::set($key, $value) // Sets a variable.
Flight::has($key) // Checks if a variable is set.
Flight::clear([$key]) // Clears a variable.
Flight::init() // Initializes the framework to its default settings.
Flight::app() // Gets the application object instance

Flight::start() // Starts the framework.
Flight::stop() // Stops the framework and sends a response.
Flight::halt([$code], [$message]) // Stop the framework with an optional status code and message.
Flight::route($pattern, $callback) // Maps a URL pattern to a callback.
Flight::redirect($url, [$code]) // Redirects to another URL.
Flight::render($file, [$data], [$key]) // Renders a template file.
Flight::error($exception) // Sends an HTTP 500 response.
Flight::notFound() // Sends an HTTP 404 response.
Flight::etag($id, [$type]) // Performs ETag HTTP caching.
Flight::lastModified($time) // Performs last modified HTTP caching.
Flight::json($data, [$code], [$encode]) // Sends a JSON response.
Flight::jsonp($data, [$param], [$code], [$encode]) // Sends a JSONP response.

use flight\Engine;

$app = new Engine();

$app->route('/', function(){
    echo 'hello world!';


server {
    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php;