PHP code example of faithfm / laravel-auth0-pattern

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download faithfm/laravel-auth0-pattern library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


faithfm / laravel-auth0-pattern example snippets

'defined_permissions' => [
    'use-app',                  // minimum permission to use the app
    'admin-app',                // master admin privilege
//  'edit-catalog',             // for catalog editors  (assuming you're writing a catalogue application)

// Check a user is logged in - using a variety of methods   (default guard is our session-based Auth0 guard)
$loggedIn = auth()->check();                         // using helper function  (default guard)
$loggedIn = Auth::check();                           // using Facades          (default guard)
$loggedIn = auth('ffm-session-guard')->check();      // session-based guard specified - ie: using Auth0
$loggedIn = auth('ffm-token-guard')->check();        // token-based guard specified - ie: api_token=XXX
$loggedIn = Auth::guard('ffm-token-guard')->check(); // token-based guard specified using Facades

// Various useful guard functions - using the helper function and the default guard
auth()->user()          // Eloquent model for the logged-in User
auth()->id()            // User ID for this user - ie: user()->getAuthIdentifier()
auth()->check()         // TRUE  if logged in
auth()->guest()         // FALSE if logged in
auth()->authenticate()  // throw AuthenticationException if not logged in  (similiar to middleware checks)

// Protect routes using 'auth' (Authenticate) middleware - throw AuthenticationException if not logged in
Route::get(...) { ... }
  ->middleware('auth');                                   // using default guard
  ->middleware('auth:ffm-token-guard');                   // specifying token-based guard
  ->middleware('auth:ffm-session-guard,ffm-token-guard'); // allow EITHER session-based OR token-based guards

Route::get('/showuser', function () {
    return auth()->user();	// session-based or token-based guard will automatically be used depending on first authenticated guard found during middleware check

$user = auth()->user();                 // default guard   = SUPPORTED
$user = auth('api')->user();            // specific guard  = SUPPORTED
$user = auth('web,api')->user();        // multiple guards = NOT SUPPORTED
$user = auth_guards('web,api')->user(); // multiple guards = SUPPORTED (extended helper)

$allowed = Gate::allows('use-app');             // simple test
$allowed = Gate::allows('use-app|edit-assets'); // ORed permissions (SPECIAL FEATURE)
...->middleware('can:use-app');                 // protect in route definitions
Gate::authorize('use-app|admin-app');           // protect elsewhere (ie: controllers)
if (Gate::none(['use-app', 'admin-app'])) {     // ditto - but manually aborting (instead of relying on "401 vs redirect" recommendation - see
@can('use-app')                                 // blade templates

if (Gate::allows('use-app'))
  if (auth()->user()->permissions->restrictions['file'] == 'restrictedfile')

  $LaravelAppGlobals = [
    'user' => auth()->user(),     # THIS IS THE IMPORTANT ONE
    'guest' => auth()->guest(),
    'other-stuff' => $myStuff,
  return view('media')->with('LaravelAppGlobals', $LaravelAppGlobals);