PHP code example of fab2s / dt0

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download fab2s/dt0 library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


fab2s / dt0 example snippets

use fab2s\Dt0\Dt0;

// works if all public props have defaults
$dt0 = new SomeDt0;

// set at least props without default
$dt0 = new SomeDt0(readOnlyProp: $someValue /*, ... */); // <= argument order does not matter
                                                         // unless SomeDt0 has a constructor

// same as
$dt0 = SomeDt0::make(readOnlyProp: $someValue /*, ... */); // <= argument order never matter

$value = $dt0->readOnlyProp; // $someValue

/** @var array|string|SomeDt0|Dt0|null|mixed $wannaBeDt0 */
$dt0 = SomeDt0::tryFrom($wannaBeDt0); // return null when nothing works

/** @var Dt0 $dt0 */
$dto = SomeDt0::from($wannaBeDt0); // throws a Dt0Exception when nothing matched or more Throwable when something is too wrong

// keeps objects as such
$array = $dt0->toArray();

// toArray with call to jsonSerialize on implementing members
$jsonArray = $dt0->toJsonArray();
// same as 
$jsonArray = $dt0->jsonSerialize();

// toJson
$json = $dt0->toJson();
// same as 
$json = json_encode($dt0);

// will work if Dt0 has consistent in/out casters
// that is if caster out type is valid for input
$fromJson = SomeDt0::fromJson($json);
// same as
$fromJson = SomeDt0::fromString($json);
$fromJson->equals($dt0); // true

// always true

// serializable
$serialized = serialize($dt0);
$unserialized = unserialize($serialized);
$unserialized->equal($dt0); // true

// Immutability with ...
$anotherInstance = $dto->clone();
$anotherInstance->equals($dto); // true

// ... updates :o
$updated = $dto->update(readOnlyProp: $anotherValue);
// or 
$updated = $dto->update(...['readOnlyProp' => $anotherValue]);
$updated->->equals($dto); // false
$updated->readOnlyProp; // $anotherValue

    use fab2s\Dt0\Attribute\Casts;
    use fab2s\Dt0\Attribute\Cast;
    use fab2s\Dt0\Dt0;
        new Cast(default: 'defaultFromCast', propName: 'prop1'),
        // same as 
        prop1: new Cast(default: 'defaultFromCast'),
        // ...
    class MyDt0 extends Dt0 {
        public readonly string $prop1;

    use fab2s\Dt0\Attribute\Casts;
    use fab2s\Dt0\Attribute\Cast;
    use fab2s\Dt0\Dt0;
    class MyDt0 extends Dt0 {
        #[Cast(default: 'defaultFromCast')]
        public readonly string $prop1;

use fab2s\Dt0\Attribute\Cast;
use fab2s\Dt0\Caster\DateTimeCaster;
use fab2s\Dt0\Caster\DateTimeFormatCaster;
use fab2s\Dt0\Dt0;

class MyDt0 extends Dt0 {
    #[Cast(in: DateTimeCaster::class, out: new DateTimeFormatCaster(DateTimeFormatCaster::ISO))]
    public readonly DateTime $date;

/** @var Dt0 $dt0 */
$dt0 = MyDt0::make(date:'1337-01-01 00:00:00');

    'date' => DateTimeInstance,

    'date' => '1337-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z',

use fab2s\Dt0\Dt0;
use fab2s\Dt0\Attribute\Cast;
use fab2s\Dt0\Attribute\Casts;

    new Cast(default: 'defaultFromCast', propName: 'propClassCasted'),
    // same as 
    propClassCasted: new Cast(default: 'defaultFromCast'),
class MyDt0 extends Dt0
    public readonly string $propClassCasted;

    #[Cast(default: null)]
    public readonly ?string $propCasted;
    #[Cast(renameFrom: 'inputName', renameTo: 'outputName', default: 'default')]
    public readonly string $propRenamed;

$dt0 = MyDt0::make();
$dt0->propClassCasted; // 'defaultFromCast'
$dt0->propCasted;      // 'null'
$dt0->propRenamed;     // 'default'

$dt0 = MyDt0::make(propCasted: 'Oh Yeah', inputName: "I don't exist"); // <= argument order never matter
$dt0->propRenamed; // "I don't exist"
    'propClassCasted' => 'defaultFromCast',
    'propCasted'      => 'Oh Yeah',
    'propRenamed'     => "I don't exist",

// same as 
$dt0 = MyDt0::make(propCasted: 'Oh Yeah', outputName: "I don't exist"); 
$dt0->propRenamed; // "I don't exist"

// all renameTo are added to renameFrom
$dt0->equal(MyDt0::fromArray($dt0->toArray()); // true 

$dt0 = MyDt0::fromArray([ 
    'propCasted'      => 'Oh', // <= order never matter
    'propClassCasted' => 'Ho', 
$dt0->propRenamed; // 'default'
    'propClassCasted' => 'Ho',
    'propCasted'      => 'Oh',
    'propRenamed'     => 'default',

// output renaming only occurs in json format
    'propClassCasted' => 'Ho',
    'propCasted'      => 'Oh',
    'outputName'      => 'default',

    #[Cast(renameFrom: ['alias', 'legacy_name'])] // first in wins the race
    public readonly string $prop;

class ConstructedDt0 extends Dt0
    // un-casted
    public readonly string $stringNoCast;

    public readonly ?string $stringCasted;

    public function __construct(
        public readonly string $promotedPropNoCast,
        public readonly string $promotedPropCasted = 'default',
        // all constructor parameters, promoted on not, can be casted
        ?string $myCustomVar = null,
        // Mandatory, the remaining $args will be used to further
        // initialize other public properties in this class
    ) {
        // where the magic happens

// now you can
$dt0 = new ConstructedDt0(
    promotedPropNoCast: 'The order',
    promotedPropCasted: 'matters',
    myCustomVar: 'for constructor parameters',
    stringCasted: 'but not',
    stringNoCast: 'for regular props',

// ::make, ::fromArray, ::fromString, ::from ... don't care about argument orders
$dt0 = ConstructedDt0::make(
    stringCasted: 'The Order',
    stringNoCast: 'never',
    promotedPropNoCast: 'matter',
    promotedPropCasted: 'outside',
    myCustomVar: 'of the constructor',