PHP code example of ezijing / hyperf-mongodb

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ezijing/hyperf-mongodb library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ezijing / hyperf-mongodb example snippets

     * @Inject
     * @var ConfigInterface
    protected $config;

     * @Inject()
     * @var MongoDb
    protected $mongoDbClient;

    # 使用方式
    $config =  mongodb_pool_config('192.168.30.xx', 'ezadmin_yb', 27017, 'beta-db'); # 建立連結資訊
    $this->config->set("mongodb.dbYB", $config); # 前綴 "mongodb."

    $this->mongoDbClient->setPool("dbYB")->insert("hyperf_test", [

return [
    'default' => [
        'username' => env('MONGODB_USERNAME', ''),
        'password' => env('MONGODB_PASSWORD', ''),
        'host' => explode(';', env('MONGODB_HOST', '')),
        'port' => env('MONGODB_PORT', 27017),
        'db' => env('MONGODB_DB', 'test'),
        'options'  => [
            'database' => 'admin',
            // 需要配置 username
            // 'authMechanism' => env('MONGODB_AuthMechanism', 'SCRAM-SHA-256'), 
            'replica' => env('MONGODB_Replica', 'rs0'),
            'readPreference' => env('MONGODB_ReadPreference', 'primary'),
        'pool' => [
            'min_connections' => 1,
            'max_connections' => 100,
            'connect_timeout' => 10.0,
            'wait_timeout' => 3.0,
            'heartbeat' => -1,
            'max_idle_time' => (float)env('MONGODB_MAX_IDLE_TIME', 60),

 * @Inject()
 * @var MongoDb
 protected $mongoDbClient;

$insert = [
            'account' => '',
            'password' => ''

$insert = [
                'account' => '',
                'password' => ''
                'account' => '',
                'password' => ''

$where = ['account'=>'1112313423'];
$result = $this->mongoDbClient->fetchAll('fans', $where);

$result = $this->mongoDbClient->fetchAll('fans',
                'id' => [
                    '$in' => ['a', 'b', 'c']
            ], [
                'sort' => ['sort'=>1]
# $or 的使用方式
$inputs['filter']['$or'] = [
        '_id' => [
            '$in' => $bull_ids
        'for_all' => [
            '$eq' => true
$result = $this->mongoDbClient->fetchAll('fans', $inputs['filter']);

$list = $this->mongoDbClient->fetchPagination('article', 10, 0, ['author' => $author]);

$where = ['account'=>'1112313423'];
$updateData = [];

$this->mongoDbClient->updateColumn('fans', $where,$updateData); // 只更新数据满足$where的行的列信息中在$newObject中出现过的字段
$this->mongoDbClient->updateRow('fans',$where,$updateData);// 更新数据满足$where的行的信息成$newObject

$where = ['account'=>'1112313423'];
$all = true; // 为false只删除匹配的一条,true删除多条

$filter = ['isGroup' => "0", 'wechat' => '15584044700'];
$count = $this->mongoDbClient->count('fans', $filter);

$pipeline= [
                '$match' => $where
            ], [
                '$group' => [
                    '_id' => [],
                    'groupCount' => [
                        '$sum' => '$groupCount'
            ], [
                '$project' => [
                    'groupCount' => '$groupCount',
                    '_id' => 0

$count = $this->mongoDbClient->command('fans', $pipeline);

composer /hyperf.php vendor:publish "ezijing/hyperf-mongodb"