PHP code example of exos / hybridcache

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download exos/hybridcache library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


exos / hybridcache example snippets

// vendor/autoload.php');

use Hybrid\Cache;

// Use other name for no conflicts with Memcache Class
use Hybrid\Storages\Memcache as MemcacheStorage;

// add a MediaStorage to the Cache class:
Cache::addStorageMedia( new MemcacheStorage('localhost') );

// create a cache instance, with an identifier (can be a lot of values):
$cache = Cache::create(__FILE__, 'list top users');

// check if cache exists and is aviable

$data = $cache->getCacheOr(true, function ($cache) {
    // make your heavy processing.... (saving the result in a variable)
    return $result;

// Or...

if ($data = $cache->getCache(true)) {
   // dump cached data
   echo $data;
   // stop the script (or the method, ect)
} else {
   // set the cache status as "saving" (to avoid duplicating entries)

// make your heavy processing.... (saving the result in a variable)

// dump the result
echo $result;

// cache the result

use Hybrid\Storages\Redis as RedisStorage;

// Define Redis server for write only (master)
Cache::addStorageMedia( new RedisStorage(''), Cache::FOR_WRITE );

// Define the rest of servers for read only
Cache::addStorageMedia( new RedisStorage(''), Cache::FOR_READ );
Cache::addStorageMedia( new RedisStorage(''), Cache::FOR_READ );
Cache::addStorageMedia( new RedisStorage(''), Cache::FOR_READ );
Cache::addStorageMedia( new RedisStorage(''), Cache::FOR_READ );

$cache = Cache::create('key');
$cache->balanceMethod = Cache::B_RANDOM;



use Hybrid\Storages\Memcache as MemcacheStorage;

Cache::addStorageMedia( new MemcacheStorage('') );
Cache::addStorageMedia( new MemcacheStorage('') );
Cache::addStorageMedia( new MemcacheStorage('') );
Cache::addStorageMedia( new MemcacheStorage('') );
Cache::addStorageMedia( new MemcacheStorage('') );