PHP code example of exegeseit / doctrinequerysearch-helper

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download exegeseit/doctrinequerysearch-helper library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


exegeseit / doctrinequerysearch-helper example snippets

// src/Repository/MarketRepository.php
use App\Entity\Market;
use Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepository;
use Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry;
// ..
use ExeGeseIT\DoctrineQuerySearchHelper\QueryClauseBuilder;
// ...

class MarketRepository extends ServiceEntityRepository
    public function __construct(CacheInterface $cache, ManagerRegistry $registry)
        parent::__construct($registry, Market::class);

    public function fetchMarketQb(array $search = [], string $paginatorSort = '')
         * Get a QueryBuilder instance and define his SELECT statement
        $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('m')
                ->innerJoin('m.organization', 'o')
                ->leftJoin('m.funder', 'fu')
                ->leftJoin('m.userofmarkets', 'uof', Join::WITH, 'uof.isaccountable = 1')
                ->leftJoin('uof.user', 'u')


         * Now, use $qb to  get an intance of QueryClauseBuilder 
        $clauseBuilder = QueryClauseBuilder::getInstance($qb);
             * First, we define valid searchKeys and their Entity property mapping
                'idmarket' => '',
                'keymarket' => 'm.key',                
                'idorganization' => '',
                'keyorganization' => 'o.key',
                'idfunder' => '',
                'keyfunder' => 'fu.key',
                'idmanager' => '',
                'isprivate' => 'm.isprivate',
                'amount' => 'm.amount',
             * We can also define "special" searchKeys.
             * If they appear in the $search array without any filter,
             * a LIKE filter is implicitly applied
             * In other words (in this example) these two definitions are equivalent:
             *    $search[ SearchFilter::filter('manager') ] = 'Peter';
             *    $search[ SearchFilter::like('manager') ] = 'Peter';
                'funder' => '',
                'organization' => '',
                'market' => '',
                'manager' => "CONCAT(u.firstname, ' ', u.lastname)",

         * Finally, the WHERE clause of our QueryBuilder is calculated
         * and our "fully defined" QueryBuilder instance is returned. 
        return $clauseBuilder->getQueryBuilder($search, $paginatorSort);

// src/Controller/SomeController.php
use App\Entity\Market;
// ...
use ExeGeseIT\DoctrineQuerySearchHelper\SearchFilter;
// ...

class SomeController
    public function index(EntityManagerInterface $em)
	// Markets filtering conditions
        $search = [
            SearchFilter::filter('idorganization') => $idorganization,
            SearchFilter::filter('funder') => $funder,
            SearchFilter::equal('manager') => $manager,
            SearchFilter::equal('isprivate') => false,
            SearchFilter::or() => [
                SearchFilter::equal('isprivate') => true,
                SearchFilter::greaterOrEqual('amount') => 5000,

        $markets = $em->getRepository(Market::class)->fetchMarketQb($search)

        // ...

 * isset($value)  ? => ...WHERE {{ searchKey = $value }}
 * !isset($value) ? => ...WHERE {{ 1 }}
 * @param string $searchKey
 * @param bool $tokenize  if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness
 * @return string
SearchFilter::filter(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true)

 * ...WHERE 1
 *    {{ AND searchKey = $value }}
 * @param string $searchKey
 * @param bool $tokenize  if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness
 * @return string
SearchFilter::equal(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true): string

 * ...WHERE 1
 *    {{ AND searchKey <> $value }}
 * @param string $searchKey
 * @param bool $tokenize  if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness
 * @return string
SearchFilter::notEqual(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true): string

 * ...WHERE 1
 *    {{ AND searchKey LIKE $value }}
 * @param string $searchKey
 * @param bool $tokenize  if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness
 * @return string
SearchFilter::like(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true): string

 * ...WHERE 1
 *    {{ AND searchKey NOT LIKE $value
 * @param string $searchKey
 * @param bool $tokenize  if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness
 * @return string
SearchFilter::notLike(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true): string

 * Differs from SearchFilter::like() in that "$searchKey" is taken as is. 
 *   i.e.: the characters '%' and '_' are neither appended nor escaped
 * ...WHERE 1
 *    {{ AND searchKey LIKE $value }}
 * @param string $searchKey
 * @param bool $tokenize  if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness
 * @return string
SearchFilter::likeStrict(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true): string

 * Differs from SearchFilter::notLike() in that "$searchKey" is taken as is. 
 *   i.e.: the characters '%' and '_' are neither appended nor escaped
 * ...WHERE 1
 *    {{ AND searchKey NOT LIKE $value
 * @param string $searchKey
 * @param bool $tokenize  if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness
 * @return string
SearchFilter::notLikeStrict(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true): string

 * ...WHERE 1
 *    {{ AND searchKey IS NULL
 * @param string $searchKey
 * @param bool $tokenize  if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness
 * @return string
SearchFilter::null(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true): string

 * ...WHERE 1
 *    {{ AND searchKey IS NOT NULL
 * @param string $searchKey
 * @param bool $tokenize  if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness
 * @return string
SearchFilter::notNull(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true): string

 * ...WHERE 1
 *    {{ AND searchKey > $value
 * @param string $searchKey
 * @param bool $tokenize  if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness
 * @return string
SearchFilter::greater(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true): string

 * ...WHERE 1
 *    {{ AND searchKey >= $value
 * @param string $searchKey
 * @param bool $tokenize  if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness
 * @return string
SearchFilter::greaterOrEqual(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true): string

 * ...WHERE 1
 *    {{ AND searchKey < $value
 * @param string $searchKey
 * @param bool $tokenize  if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness
 * @return string
SearchFilter::lower(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true): string

 * ...WHERE 1
 *    {{ AND searchKey <= $value }}
 * @param string $searchKey
 * @param bool $tokenize  if TRUE "~<random_hash>" is added to ensure uniqueness
 * @return string
SearchFilter::lowerOrEqual(string $searchKey, bool $tokenize = true): string

 * ...WHERE 1
 *    {{ AND ( .. OR .. OR ..) }}
 * @return string
SearchFilter::andOr(): string

 * ...WHERE 1
 *    {{ OR ( .. AND .. AND ..) }}
 * @return string
SearchFilter::or(): string