PHP code example of evolutionscript / metamaskipn

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download evolutionscript/metamaskipn library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


evolutionscript / metamaskipn example snippets

use EvolutionScript\MetamaskIPN as MetamaskIPN;
//Initialize MetamaskIPN Class
$metamaskIPN = new MetamaskIPN\MetamaskIPN();

//Specify cache directory to save data from FIAT rates and make a request once per day. It is optional but prevents exceeding the API usage limit. 

//Connect with Currency Layer and as optional connect with OpenExchangeRates. The optional provider is useful if the primary provider fails.
	new \EvolutionScript\CurrencyAPI\Providers\CurrencyLayer('CURRENCY_LAYER_API'),
	new \EvolutionScript\CurrencyAPI\Providers\OpenExchangeRates('OPEN_EXCHANGE_RATES_API')

//If we are going to use fiat and deposit will be in Litecoin (LTC):
$button_code = $metamaskIPN->from_fiat(10, 'PEN')
	->lang('en') //For supported languages go to
	->button_code('Pay Now');

echo $button_code;

//If we are going to use a cryptocurrency like Solana (SOL) and deposit in in BTCB (BTC)
$button_code_2 = $metamaskIPN->from_crypto(1,'SOL')
echo $button_code_2;

//If we are going to use the shopping cart URL, then we can specify item name and other items.
$shopping_car_url = $metamaskIPN->from_crypto(55,'XRP')
	->item_name('Make a donation')
	->item_description('Support our project')
	->logo('') //URL of your logo
echo '<br><a href="'.$shopping_car_url.'">Click here to redirect to shopping cart</a>';