1. Go to this page and download the library: Download evo/debug library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
evo / debug example snippets
//construct or get an instance of Debug
public static function getInstance(string $alias=''): self;
//check if a given alias is instantiated
public static function isInstantiated(string $alias=''): bool
//register the procedural function
public static function regesterFunctions(): void;
//check if HTML mode is on
public function getHtmlOutput(): bool;
//change output to HTML mode [default is false]
public function setHtmlOutput(bool $htmlOutput): void;
//get the depth limit
public function getDepthLimit(): int;
//set the depth limit (how deep to dig into nested arrays and objects)
public function setDepthLimit(int $depthLimit);
//get the flags that are set
public function getFlags(): int;
//set flags
public function setFlags(int $flags): void;
//check if a flag is set
public function hasFlag(int $flag): bool;
//Debug and output
public function dump(mixed $input=null, int $offset = 0);
//Debug and output
public function dumpException(Throwable $exception, int $offset = 0);
//Debug and return
public function export(mixed $input=null, $offset = 0): string;
//Start debugging output buffer, output will be capture until flush or end is called
public function start(int $offset=0): void;
//End debugging output buffer, and return it
public function flush(int $offset=0): void;
//End debugging output buffer, and output it
public function end(int $offset=0): string;
//Kill PHP execution with a message and a
public function kill(mixed $input=null, $offset=0);
//debug without the outer formatting, output it
public function varDump(mixed $input);
//debug without the outer formatting, return it
public function varExport(mixed $input, int $level=0, array $objInstances=array()): string;
//return the part of the backtrace where this function was called from
public function trace(int $offset=0): array;
//print a backtrace - formatted like a stacktrace
public function backTrace(int $offset=0): void;
//return a backTrace
public function getTraceFirst(int $offset=0): arrat;
//return the formatted trace of getTraceFirst.
public function getTraceFirstAsString(int $offset=0): string;
//equire_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
//regester the procedural functions for debug
//example of modifing the depth limit for the instance used in the procedural functions
debug_dump("foo"); //we'll say this is line 8 of index.php
if (!function_exists('debug_dump')) {
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see \evo\debug\Debug::dump()
function debug_dump($input, $offset=1)
Debug::getInstance(Debug::ALIAS_FUNCTIONS)->dump($input, $offset); //this is line 20 of functions.php
public function dump($input, $offset = 0)
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