PHP code example of evilfreelancer / routeros-api-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download evilfreelancer/routeros-api-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


evilfreelancer / routeros-api-php example snippets

$config = new \RouterOS\Config([
    'host' => '',
    'user' => 'admin',
    'pass' => 'admin',
    'port' => 8728,
$client = new \RouterOS\Client($config);

$client = \RouterOS::client([
    'host' => '',
    'user' => 'admin',
    'pass' => 'admin',
    'port' => 8728,

$config = \RouterOS::config([
    'host' => '',
    'user' => 'admin',
    'pass' => 'admin',
    'port' => 8728,


$client = \RouterOS::client($config);

'providers' => [
    // ...

use \RouterOS\Client;
use \RouterOS\Query;

// Initiate client with config object
$client = new Client([
    'host' => '',
    'user' => 'admin',
    'pass' => 'admin',
    'port' => 8728,

// Create "where" Query object for RouterOS
$query =
    (new Query('/ip/hotspot/ip-binding/print'))
        ->where('mac-address', '00:00:00:00:40:29');

// Send query and read response from RouterOS
$response = $client->query($query)->read();


use \RouterOS\Client;
use \RouterOS\Query;

// Initiate client with config object
$client = new Client([
    'host' => '',
    'user' => 'admin',
    'pass' => 'admin'

// Send "equal" query with details about IP address which should be created
$query =
    (new Query('/ip/hotspot/ip-binding/add'))
        ->equal('mac-address', '00:00:00:00:40:29')
        ->equal('type', 'bypassed')
        ->equal('comment', 'testcomment');

// Send query and read response from RouterOS (ordinary answer from update/create/delete queries has empty body)
$response = $client->query($query)->read();


use \RouterOS\Client;

// Initiate client with config object
$client = new Client([
    'host'        => '',
    'user'        => 'admin',
    'pass'        => 'admin',
    'ssh_port'    => 22222,
    'ssh_timeout' => 60, // if not set then 30 seconds by default 

// Execute export command via ssh
$response = $client->query('/export');
// or
$response = $client->export();


use \RouterOS\Query;

 * Simple "where" query will be generated by default 


 * Send advanced "where" query with parameters to RouterOS 

// If only one "where" condition
$client->query('/queue/simple/print', ['target', '']);

// If multiple "where" conditions and need merge (operation "|") results
$client->query('/interface/print', [
    ['type', 'ether'],  // same as ['type', '=', 'ether']
    ['type', 'vlan'],   // same as ['type', '=', 'vlan']
], '|');

 * Or in OOP style

// If you need create query for "create/update/delete" operations
$query = new Query('/ip/hotspot/ip-binding/add');
$query->equal('mac-address', '00:00:00:00:40:29');
$query->equal('type', 'bypassed');
$query->equal('comment', 'testcomment');

// If multiple "where" conditions and need merge (operation "|") results
$query = new Query('/interface/print');
$query->where('type', 'ether');
$query->where('type', 'vlan');

// If multiple "where" conditions and need append tag
$query = new Query('/interface/set');
$query->where('disabled', 'no');
$query->where('.id', 'ether1');

 * Write Query object to RouterOS and read response from it

$response = $client->query($query)->read();

use \RouterOS\Client;

$client = new Client([
    'host' => '',
    'user' => 'admin',
    'pass' => 'admin'

use \RouterOS\Config;
use \RouterOS\Client;

 * You can create object of Config class

$config = new Config();

// Then set parameters of config
$config->set('host', '');
$config->set('user', 'admin');
$config->set('pass', 'admin');

// By the way, `->set()` method is support inline style of syntax
    ->set('host', '')
    ->set('user', 'admin')
    ->set('pass', 'admin');

 * Or just create preconfigured Config object

$config = new Config([
    'host' => '',
    'user' => 'admin',
    'pass' => 'admin'

 * Then send Config object to Client constructor

$client = new Client($config);


// Initiate client with config object
$client = new Client([
    'host'   => '',
    'user'   => 'admin',
    'pass'   => 'admin',
    'legacy' => true // you need set `legacy` parameter with `true` value

// Your code below...

use \RouterOS\Query;

// Get all installed packages (it may be enabled or disabled)
$query = new Query('/system/package/getall');

// Send "equal" query with details about IP address which should be created
$query =
    (new Query('/ip/hotspot/ip-binding/add'))
        ->equal('mac-address', '00:00:00:00:40:29')
        ->equal('type', 'bypassed')
        ->equal('comment', 'testcomment');

// Set where interface is disabled and ID is ether1 (with tag 4)
$query = 
    (new Query('/interface/set'))
        ->where('disabled', 'no')
        ->where('.id', 'ether1')

// Get all ethernet and VLAN interfaces
$query = 
    (new Query('/interface/print'))
        ->where('type', 'ether')
        ->where('type', 'vlan')

// Get all routes that have non-empty comment
$query =
    (new Query('/ip/route/print'))
        ->where('comment', '>', null);

use \RouterOS\Query;
use \RouterOS\Client;

// Initiate connection to RouterOS
$client = new Client([
    'host'   => '',
    'user'   => 'admin',
    'pass'   => 'admin'

 * Execute query directly through "->query()" method of Client class 

// If your query has no "where" conditions

// If you have only one where condition, you may use one dimensional array as second parameter of query method
$client->query('/queue/simple/print', ['target', '']);

// If you need set few where conditions then need use multi dimensional array
$client->query('/interface/bridge/add', [
    ['name', 'vlan100-bridge'],
    ['vlan-filtering', 'no']

 * By some reason you may need restrict scope of RouterOS response,
 * for this need to use third attribute of "->query()" method

// Get all ethernet and VLAN interfaces
$client->query('/interface/print', [
    ['type', 'ether'],
    ['type', 'vlan']
], '|');

 * If you want set tag of your query then you need to use fourth 
 * attribute of "->query()" method, but third attribute may be null

// Enable interface (tag is 4)
$client->query('/interface/set', [
    ['disabled', 'no'],
    ['.id', 'ether1']
], null, 4);

 * Or in OOP style  

// Get all ethernet and VLAN interfaces
$query = new Query('/interface/print');
$query->where('type', 'ether');
$query->where('type', 'vlan');

// Enable interface (tag is 4)
$query = new Query('/interface/set');
$query->equal('disabled', 'no');
$query->equal('.id', 'ether1');

// Or, RAW mode

$query = new Query('/interface/set');

// Or, RAW mode in format of array
$query = new Query('/interface/set', [

// Or

$query = new Query([

 * Write Query object to RouterOS and read response from it

$response = $client->query($query)->read();

$response = $client->query($query)->readAsIterator();

// The following for loop allows you to skip elements for which
// $iterator->current() throws an exception, rather than breaking
// the loop.
for ($response->rewind(); $response->valid(); $response->next()) {
    try {
        $value = $response->current();
    } catch (Exception $exception) {

    # ...

 * Execute query and read response in ordinary mode 
$response = $client->query($query)->read();

// Or
$response = $client->q($query)->r();

// Single method analog of lines above is
$response = $client->qr($query);

 * Execute query and read response as Iterator 
$response = $client->query($query)->readAsIterator();

// Or
$response = $client->q($query)->ri();

// Single method analog of lines above is
$response = $client->qri($query);

 * By the way, you can send few queries to your router without result: 

// Or

// Create query which should remove security profile
$query = new \RouterOS\Query('/interface/wireless/security-profiles/remove');

// It will generate queries, which stared from "?" symbol:
$query->where('.id', '*1');

// Sample with ->where() method
RouterOS\Query Object
    [_attributes:RouterOS\Query:private] => Array
            [0] => ?.id=*1

    [_operations:RouterOS\Query:private] => 
    [_tag:RouterOS\Query:private] => 
    [_endpoint:RouterOS\Query:private] => /interface/wireless/security-profiles/remove

// So, as you can see, instead of `->where()` need to use `->equal()`
// It will generate queries, which stared from "=" symbol:
$query->equal('.id', '*1');

// Sample with ->equal() method
RouterOS\Query Object
    [_attributes:RouterOS\Query:private] => Array
            [0] =>*1

    [_operations:RouterOS\Query:private] => 
    [_tag:RouterOS\Query:private] => 
    [_endpoint:RouterOS\Query:private] => /interface/wireless/security-profiles/remove
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="RouterOS\\Laravel\\ServiceProvider"