PHP code example of evias / nem-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download evias/nem-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


evias / nem-php example snippets

'providers' => [

'aliases' => [
    'NemSDK' => NEM\Facades\NemSDK::class,

    // Laravel/Lumen registering the service provider
    $app = Laravel\Lumen\Application(realpath(__DIR__));

    // Example 1: Using the Service Provider
    // --------------------------------------
    // The Service Provider for Laravel/Lumen will bind "nem.config",
    // "nem" and "nem.ncc" in the IoC. "nem" and "nem.ncc" are pre-
    // configured instances of the API class using APP_ENV for the environment.
    $nemConfig = $app["nem.config"]
    $nemAPI = $app["nem"];
    $nccAPI = $app["nem.ncc"];

    // Example 2: Instantiating the API class
    // --------------------------------------
    // You can also create a new instance of the API
    $nemAPI = new NEM\API();
        "protocol" => "http",
        "use_ssl" => false,
        "host" 	  => "",
        "port"    => 7890,
        "endpoint" => "/",

    // If you wish you can define your own RequestHandler, have a look at the
    // NEM\Contracts\RequestHandler interface.
    $nemAPI->setOptions(["handler_class" => Path\To\My\Handler::class]);

    // Example 3: Sending GET/POST JSON requests
    // -----------------------------------------
    // The API wrapper class can be used to send API requests to the
    // configured NIS host with following snippet:
    $response = $nemAPI->getJSON("heartbeat", "");

    // sending JSON through POST and receiving JSON back.
    $postData = ["myField" => "hasThisValue", "yourField" => "isNotEmpty"];
    $response = $nemAPI->postJSON("post/endpoint", json_encode($postData));

    // Example 4: Custom headers and Callback configuration
    // -----------------------------------------------------
    // The 3rd parameter of the get() and post() methods lets you pass
    // an options array to the RequestHandler. To add specific headers for
    // example you would do as follows:
    $response = $nemAPI->getJSON("hearbeat", "", ["headers" => ["Content-Type" => "text/xml"]]);

    // You may also define onSuccess, onError and onReject callbacks to be executed
    // when the Guzzle Promises respectively complete, encounter an error or are denied.
    // @see Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface
    // @see GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException
    $response = $nemAPI->getJSON("heartbeat", "", [
        "onSuccess" => function(ResponseInterface $response) {
            echo $response->getBody();
        "onError" => function(RequestException $exception) {
            echo "This is bad: " . $exception->getMessage();
        "onReject" => function($reason) {
            echo "Request could not be completed: " . $reason;

    // Example 5: Use the SDK to create NEM *NIS compliant* Objects
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    // You can create an instance and pass the *connection configuration*
    $sdk = new NEM\SDK([
        "protocol" => "http",
        "use_ssl" => false,
        "host" 	  => "",
        "port"    => 7890,
        "endpoint" => "/",

    // Or you can use an already initialized API client
    $sdk = new NEM\SDK([], new NEM\API());
    $account = $sdk->models()->account(["address" => "TDWZ55R5VIHSH5WWK6CEGAIP7D35XVFZ3RU2S5UQ"]);

    // The \NEM\Contracts\DataTransferObject interface tells us that Models
    // always have a toDTO() method which will format the said object into
    // its *NIS compliant* object.

    // Dump [AccountMetaDataPair]( object

    // Example 6: Use the SDK NIS Web Service implementations
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    $sdk = new NEM\SDK();
    $service = $sdk->account();

    // Generate a new account
    $account = $service->generateAccount(); // $account is an instance of \NEM\Models\Account

    // Read account data *from the NEM blockchain* using the Address
    $account = $service->getFromAddress("TDWZ55R5VIHSH5WWK6CEGAIP7D35XVFZ3RU2S5UQ");

    // Read account data *from the NEM blockchain* using the Public Key
    $account = $service->getFromPublicKey("d90c08cfbbf918d9304ddd45f6432564c390a5facff3df17ed5c096c4ccf0d04");

    // Example 7: Use the SDK to read an account's transactions
    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    $sdk = new NEM\SDK();
    $service = $sdk->account();

    // Get incoming transaction for an account by its address
    // $incomings will be an instance of \NEM\Models\ModelCollection
    $incomings = $service->incomingTransactions("TDWZ55R5VIHSH5WWK6CEGAIP7D35XVFZ3RU2S5UQ");

    // Get outgoing transaction for an account by its address
    $outgoings = $service->outgoingTransactions("TDWZ55R5VIHSH5WWK6CEGAIP7D35XVFZ3RU2S5UQ");

    // Get unconfirmed transaction for an account by its address
    $unconfirmed = $service->unconfirmedTransactions("TDWZ55R5VIHSH5WWK6CEGAIP7D35XVFZ3RU2S5UQ");

    // Example 8: Derive a Public Key with a hexadecimal or binary Private Key
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $privateKey = "e77c84331edbfa3d209c4e68809c98a634ad6e8891e4174455c33be9dd25fce5";
    $publicKey  = "d90c08cfbbf918d9304ddd45f6432564c390a5facff3df17ed5c096c4ccf0d04";
    $keypair = new NEM\Core\KeyPair($privateKey);
    var_dump($keypair->getPublicKey("hex")); // will output: 

    // Create with *provided public key* (no derivation - faster)
    $keypair = new NEM\Core\KeyPair($privateKey, $publicKey);

    // Example 9: Create New KeyPair and Address (randomly)
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $keypair = new NEM\Core\KeyPair();
    $address = NEM\Models\Address::fromPublicKey($keypair->getPublicKey());

    var_dump($keypair->getPrivateKey("hex"), $address->toClean());

    // Example 10: Sign Data with a NEM KeyPair
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $keypair = new NEM\Core\KeyPair("abf4cf55a2b3f742d7543d9cc17f50447b969e6e06f5ea9195d428ab12b7318d");

    var_dump($keypair->sign("nem-php by eVias!")->getHex());
    // this will show you the following hexadecimal signature:
    // 177908f0cb5e56a0da11bfc3b38f6d749c4c870c9b356313db6460925e4584a9304e6aa1a5ba50ec2f773bbdfbfc03285a35d986d056df27b7d05a74f6c9b501

    // you can now use this signature and verify it using the Public Key
mkdir /Applications/MAMP/Library/build
cp -R /Users/greg/httpd-2.2.34/build/* /Applications/MAMP/Library/build/
sudo ln -s /Users/greg/httpd-2.2.34/modules/ /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.1.8/modules/
sudo ln -s /Users/greg/php-7.1.8/bin/php /usr/local/bin/php