PHP code example of eventsauce / backoff

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download eventsauce/backoff library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


eventsauce / backoff example snippets

use EventSauce\BackOff\BackOffStrategy;

class BusinessLogic
    public function __construct(
        private ExternalDependency $dependency,
        private BackOffStrategy $backOff,
    ) {}

    public function performAction(): void
        $tries = 0;

        try {
        } catch (Throwable $throwable) {
            $this->backOff->backOff($tries, $throwable);
            goto start;

use EventSauce\BackOff\ExponentialBackOffStrategy;

$backOff = new ExponentialBackOffStrategy(
    100000, // initial delay in microseconds, 0.1 seconds
    15, //  max number of tries
    2500000, // (optional) max delay in microseconds, default 2.5 seconds
    2.0, // (optional) base to control the growth factor, default 2.0

$businessLogic = new BusinessLogic(new ExternalDependency(), $backOff);

try {
} catch (Throwable $throwable) {
    // handle the throwable

use EventSauce\BackOff\FibonacciBackOffStrategy;

$backOff = new FibonacciBackOffStrategy(
    100000, // initial delay in microseconds, 0.1 seconds
    15, // max number of tries
    2500000, // (optional) max delay in microseconds, default 2.5 seconds

$businessLogic = new BusinessLogic(new ExternalDependency(), $backOff);

try {
} catch (Throwable $throwable) {
    // handle the throwable

use EventSauce\BackOff\LinearBackOffStrategy;

$backOff = new LinearBackOffStrategy(
    100000, // initial delay in microseconds, 0.1 seconds
    15, // max number of tries
    2500000, // (optional) max delay in microseconds, default 2.5 seconds

$businessLogic = new BusinessLogic(new ExternalDependency(), $backOff);

try {
} catch (Throwable $throwable) {
    // handle the throwable

use EventSauce\BackOff\ExponentialBackOffStrategy;
use EventSauce\BackOff\FibonacciBackOffStrategy;
use EventSauce\BackOff\LinearBackOffStrategy;

$exponential = new ExponentialBackOffStrategy(100000, 25, jitter: $jitter);
$fibonacci = new FibonacciBackOffStrategy(100000, 25, jitter: $jitter);
$linear = new LinearBackOffStrategy(100000, 25, jitter: $jitter);

use EventSauce\BackOff\Jitter\FullJitter;
$jitter = new FullJitter();

use EventSauce\BackOff\Jitter\HalfJitter;
$jitter = new HalfJitter();

use EventSauce\BackOff\Jitter\ScatteredJitter;
$jitter = new ScatteredJitter($range = 0.5);

use EventSauce\BackOff\BackOffStrategy;

function action(Client $client, BackOffStrategy $backOff): void
    $tries = 0;
    $response = $client->doSomething();
    if ($response == SomeParticular::VALUE) {
        $backOff->backOff($tries, new LogicException('Exhausted back-off'));
        goto start;

use EventSauce\BackOff\BackOffStrategy;

function action(Client $client, BackOffStrategy $backOff): void
    $tries = 0;
    try {
    } catch (SpecificException $exception) {
        $backOff->backOff($tries, $exception);
        goto start;

use EventSauce\BackOff\BackOffRunner;
use EventSauce\BackOff\ExponentialBackOffStrategy;

$strategy = new ExponentialBackOffStrategy(initialDelayMs: 100, maxTries: 5);
$runner = new BackOffRunner($strategy);

$runner->run(function () {
    // Do something that might throw an exception!

use EventSauce\BackOff\BackOffRunner;
use EventSauce\BackOff\ExponentialBackOffStrategy;

$strategy = new ExponentialBackOffStrategy(initialDelayMs: 100, maxTries: 5);
$runner = new BackOffRunner($strategy, LogicException::class);

$runner->run(function () {
    // Only LogicException is retried, the rest is not!
sleep = number_between(0, sleep)
sleep = sleep / 2 + number_between(0 , sleep / 2)