PHP code example of evemarket / eve-market-details
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download evemarket/eve-market-details library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
evemarket / eve-market-details example snippets
// Guzzle Client:
$client = new Client();
$itemDetails = new EveOnline\Items\Details($client);
$itemDetails->details($href, function($response){
// Guzzle Client
$client = new Client();
$marketGroups = new EveOnline\Market\Groups\MarketGroups($client);
// We use: to get the groups.
$groups = marketGroups->fetchGroupPages(function($response){
// Get the body and the bodies contents. Then decode the json.
// Do other work.
// Important:
return $decodedJSONResponse;
// Because there will be a lot of groups you might want to chunk them up:
// Notice how we use items, an array of groups.
$groupChunks = array_chunk($groups->items, 100);
// create a series of jobs based off each chunk.
// For example, in laravel you might do:
foreach ($groupChunks as $chunk) {
dispatch(new JobNameHere($chunk));
// We are only going to take one chunk of the $groupChunks for this example:
$groupsRequest = marketGroups->createRequestsForGroups($groupChunks[0]);
$groupsInformation = marketGroups->fetchGroupsInfromation(function($reason, $index){
// $reason is the reason why it failed. its a guzzle object or error object.
// $index refers to the $groupsRequest[$index], as to which request failed.
$acceptedResponses = marketGroups->getAcceptedResponses();
// The above will show something like:
// [index => [[decodedJSONResponse], [decodedJSONResponse]]]
// Finally we need the container of data:
$groupsContainer = EveMarketGroups::getGroupInformationContainer($acceptedResponses, $groupChunks[0]);
// This will be an array of array where the key is the group name.
// ['groupName' => [[decodedJSONResponse], [decodedJSONResponse]]]
// Assume you have a couple regions and a couple item id's. These ned to be arrays.
// Guzzle Client.
$client = new Client();
$historicalData = EveOnline\Market\History\MarketHistory($client);
// Remember the params must be arrays.
$historicalData->createRequests($regionIds, $itemIds);
historicalData->getItemHistoryForRegion(-20, function(array $regionItemPair, $responseJson){
// $regionItemPair - the array [$regionId, $itemId]
// $responseJson - Example response:
}, function($reason, $index) {
// $reason, guzzle object or error object stating why it failed.
// $index, the index of responses created to tell you which response failed.
// Guzzle Client
$client = new Client();
$order = new EveOnline\Market\Orders\Order($client);
$regionDetails = $order->getRegionDetailsJson($regionHref);
$orders = $order->getBuyDetails($itemHref, $regionDetails);
if ($orders->totalCount !== 0) {
// Do something ... We have buy orders for this region and item.
} else {
// No buy orders. Tell the user.
$regionDetails = $order->getRegionDetailsJson($regionHref);
$orders = $order->getSellDetails($itemHref, $regionDetails);
if ($orders->totalCount !== 0) {
// Do something ... We have sell orders for this region and item.
} else {
// No sell orders. Tell the user.
$regionHrefs = [];
// Push all the href's from the regions fetched and stored into the database onto a container.
foreach($regionsFromTheDatabase as $region) {
array_push($regionHrefs, $region->href);
// We need an instance of Order handler:
$orderHandler = new EveOnline\Market\Orders($this->client);
$orders = $order->searchAllRegionsForOrders($regionHrefs, $orderHandler);
$responses = $orderHandler->getAcceptedResponsesJson();
// remember to pass in the $itemHref.
// isBuying represents two aspects: 1 are we searching all regions for buy orders? (true/false).
// if false then we search all regions for sell orders.
$createdRequestsForPool = $order->createRequestsForMarketDetailsPool($responses, $itemHref, $isBuying);
// Lets get all the order details back. This will be an array of details.
$orderDetails = $order->getOrderResponsesFromRegionSearch($orderHandler, $createdRequestsForPool);
if (count($orderDetails) == 0) {
return false;
foreach ($orderDetails as $order) {
if ($order->totalCount !== 0) {
// Store the orders.
// If there are no orders across all regions then tell the user.
// Guzzle Client
$client = new Client();
$prices = new EveOnline\Market\Prices\Prices($client);
$prices->prices(function($response) {
// $response is a GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response object.
// Guzzle Client
$client = new Client();
$types = new EveOnline\Market\Types\Types($client);
$typesContainer = $types->fetchTypes();
// See: as an example.
// Guzzle Client
$client = new Client();
$regions = new EveOnline\Market\Regions\Regions($client);
// $response is a GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response object.
// See: as an example.
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