PHP code example of evaneos / burrow

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download evaneos/burrow library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


evaneos / burrow example snippets

$admin = DriverFactory::getDriver([
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'port' => '5672',
    'user' => 'guest',
    'pwd' => 'guest'
$admin->declareAndBindQueue('exchange', 'my_queue');

$driver = DriverFactory::getDriver([
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'port' => '5672',
    'user' => 'guest',
    'pwd' => 'guest'
$publisher = new AsyncPublisher($driver, 'exchange');
$publisher->publish('message', 'routing_key', [ 'meta' => 'data' ]);

$driver = DriverFactory::getDriver([
    'host' => 'default',
    'port' => '5672',
    'user' => 'guest',
    'pwd' => 'guest'
$handlerBuilder = new HandlerBuilder($driver);
$handler = $handlerBuilder->async()->build(new EchoConsumer());
$daemon = new QueueHandlingDaemon($driver, $handler, 'test');
$worker = new Worker($daemon);

$driver = DriverFactory::getDriver([
   'host' => 'default',
   'port' => '5672',
   'user' => 'guest',
   'pwd' => 'guest'
$publisher = new SyncPublisher($driver, 'xchange');
$publisher->publish('my_message', 'routing_key', [ 'meta' => 'data' ]);

$driver = DriverFactory::getDriver([
   'host' => 'default',
   'port' => '5672',
   'user' => 'guest',
   'pwd' => 'guest'

$handlerBuilder = new HandlerBuilder($driver);
$handler = $handlerBuilder->sync()->build(new ReturnConsumer());
$daemon = new QueueHandlingDaemon($driver, $handler, 'test');
$worker = new Worker($daemon);

$emitter = new League\Event\Emitter();
$emitter->addListener(new MyListener());

new QueueHandlingDaemon([..], $emitter);

$config = ['host' => 'host', 'port' => 'port'];

// StatsD
$metricService = MetricServiceFactory::create('statsd', $config);
// DogStatsD
$tags = ['service' => 'myService']; // This tags will be sent with all the metrics
$metricService = MetricServiceFactory::create('dogstats', $config, $tags);

$emitter = new League\Event\Emitter();
$emitter->useListenerProvider(new SendMetricListenerProvider($metricService));

new QueueHandlingDaemon([..], $emitter);