PHP code example of etouches / phplumber

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download etouches/phplumber library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


etouches / phplumber example snippets

class CreateDatabase extends Process
    public function invoke($payload)
        $database_name = $payload['database_name'];
        echo "Drop database $database_name if it exists...\n";
        echo "Creating database $database_name...\n";

class CreateTable extends MultiProcess
    // Determine the data we need to queue for async processes
    public function getAsyncPayloads($payload)
        $database_name = $payload['database_name'];
        $table_names = array('first_table', 'second_table', 'third_table');
        $payloads = array();
        foreach ($table_names as $table) {
            $payloads[] = array('database_name' => $database_name, 'table_name' => $table);
        return $payloads;
    public function invoke($payload)
        $database_name = $payload['database_name'];
        $table_name = $payload['table'];
        echo "Connecting to database $database_name...\n";
        echo "Creating and populating $table_name...\n";
        switch ($payload['table']) {
            case 'first_table':
                // Create table and insert rows...
            // ...

class CreateAndFillDatabase extends ProcessList
    protected function setup()

$equation = new CreateAndFillDatabase();
$equation->process(array('database_name' => 'test_db'));