PHP code example of esyede / sendtalk-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download esyede/sendtalk-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


esyede / sendtalk-php example snippets

$sendtalk = new Esyede\TapTalk\SendTalk($apiKey);

| Send a plain text message.

$receiverPhone = '081234567890';
$message = 'Selamat, anda mendapatkan 2 buah mobil Honda Jazz 2022. Ikuti terus gebyar semarak indosiar!';

$results = $sendtalk->sendText($receiverPhone, $message);
// echo json_encode($results); die;

| Send a text message with image.

$receiverPhone = '081234567890';
$imageUrl = '';
$imageCaption = 'Tak kirimi gambar mobil Farmer Boy mat :)';
$imageFileName = 'FARMER-BOY.jpg';

$results = $sendtalk->sendImage($receiverPhone, $imageUrl, $imageCaption, $imageFileName);
// echo json_encode($results); die;

| Send an OTP message (prioritized message).

$receiverPhone = '081234567890';
$message = 'Kode OTP anda adalah 12345';

$results = $sendtalk->sendOTP($receiverPhone, $message);
// echo json_encode($results); die;