PHP code example of estina / smartfocus

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download estina/smartfocus library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


estina / smartfocus example snippets

// cURL client for communication with API
use Estina\SmartFocus\Api\Http\CurlClient;
// Member REST API class
use Estina\SmartFocus\Api\Rest\Member;
// helper for XML parsing (optional)
use Estina\SmartFocus\Api\Util\RestResponseParser;

// initialize object, injecting the cURL client
$api = new Member(new CurlClient());

// open the connection, XML is returned, containing token or error description
$xmlResponse = $api->openConnection(
    'server hostname',
    'your login name',
    'your password',
    'your API key'

if ($xmlResponse) {
    // extract token from XML
    $parser = new RestResponseParser();
    $token = $parser->getResult($xmlResponse);

    if ($token) {

        // call the API method and fetch the response
        $insertResponse = $api->insertMemberByEmailAddress(
            '[email protected]'

        // close the connection

// cURL client for communication with API
use Estina\SmartFocus\Api\Http\CurlClient;
// Member REST API class
use Estina\SmartFocus\Api\Rest\Member;
// helper for XML parsing (optional)
use Estina\SmartFocus\Api\Util\RestResponseParser;

// initialize object, injecting the cURL client
$api = new Member(new CurlClient());

// open the connection, XML is returned, containing token or error description
$xmlResponse = $api->openConnection(
    'server hostname',
    'your login name',
    'your password',
    'your API key'

if ($xmlResponse) {
    // extract token from XML
    $parser = new RestResponseParser();
    $token = $parser->getResult($xmlResponse);

    if ($token) {

         * Let's build request's XML body with data
         * <memberUID>:
         *      Multiple sets of criteria can be combined to identify the member, e.g.
         *      EMAIL:[email protected]|LASTNAME:Smith
         * <dynContent>:
         *      envelope containing the list of fields to be updated and their values
         * <entry>:
         *      The entry envelope containing the field to update and its value.
         * <key>:
         *      The field that will be updated.
         * <value>:
         *      The value with which to update the field.
        $xml =
            '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"

// cURL client for communication with API
use Estina\SmartFocus\Api\Http\CurlClient;
// Member REST API class
use Estina\SmartFocus\Api\Rest\Notification;

// initialize object, injecting the cURL client
$api = new Notification(new CurlClient());

$response = $api->send(
    '[email protected]',             // Recipient
    'abcdefg',                       // Encrypt value provided in the interface
    '132456',                        // ID of the Template
    '123456789',                     // Random value provided for the template
    'firstname:John|lastname:Smith', // Dynamic parameters as a string
    'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS',            // optional, The time you wish to send
    'email',                          // optional, the key you wish to update, normally email
    'NOTHING'                        // optional, The type of synchronization

// cURL client for communication with API
use Estina\SmartFocus\Api\Http\CurlClient;
// Member REST API class
use Estina\SmartFocus\Api\Rest\Notification;

// initialize object, injecting the cURL client
$api = new Notification(new CurlClient());

$recipientEmail = '[email protected]';
$encryptId = 'abcdefg';
$randomId = '132456';

$additionalParams = [
    'senddate'      => 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS', // 'T' between date & time
    'uidkey'        => 'email',
    'synchrotype'   => 'NOTHING'

// Optional: Dynamic parameters as an array
$dyn = [
    'firstname' => 'John',
    'lastname' => 'Smith'

$content = [
    'click <a href="">here</a> please',
    'good stuff is available <a href="">here</a>'

// Tracking enabled for the links passed in the content blocks.
$enableTracking = true;

// Build request object.
$xmlRequestObject = $api->buildTransactionalRequestObject(

// Make the request.
$response = $api->post($xmlRequestObject);