PHP code example of estahn / phpunit-json-assertions

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download estahn/phpunit-json-assertions library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


estahn / phpunit-json-assertions example snippets

namespace EnricoStahn\JsonAssert\Tests;

use EnricoStahn\JsonAssert\Assert as JsonAssert;

class MyTestCase extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    use JsonAssert;

    public function testJsonDocumentIsValid()
        // my-schema.json
        // {
        //   "type" : "object",
        //   "properties" : {
        //     "foo" : {
        //       "type" : "integer"
        //     }
        //   },
        //   "

namespace EnricoStahn\JsonAssert\Tests;

use EnricoStahn\JsonAssert\AssertClass as JsonAssert;

class MyTestCase extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    public function testJsonDocumentIsValid()
        // my-schema.json
        // {
        //   "type" : "object",
        //   "properties" : {
        //     "foo" : {
        //       "type" : "integer"
        //     }
        //   },
        //   "

$schemastorage->addSchema('', (object)['type' => 'string']);

namespace EnricoStahn\JsonAssert\Tests;

use EnricoStahn\JsonAssert\AssertClass as JsonAssert;

class MyTestCase extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    public function setUp()
        self::$schemaStorage = new SchemaStorage();
        self::$schemaStorage->addSchema('<id>', obj);
    public function testJsonDocumentIsValid()
        // my-schema.json
        // {
        //   "type" : "object",
        //   "properties" : {
        //     "foo" : {
        //       "type" : "integer"
        //     }
        //   },
        //   "

use EnricoStahn\JsonAssert\Assert as JsonAssert;

// ...

$content = $response->getContent();
$json = json_decode($content);
JsonAssert::assertJsonMatchesSchemaString('./my-schema.json', $json);

use EnricoStahn\JsonAssert\Extension\Symfony as JsonAssert;

// ...

JsonAssert::assertJsonMatchesSchemaString('./my-schema.json', $response);