PHP code example of esi / numverify-api-client-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download esi/numverify-api-client-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


esi / numverify-api-client-php example snippets

$accessKey = 'AccountAccessKeyGoesHere';
$api       = new \Numverify\Api($accessKey);

$phoneNumber          = '14158586273';
$validatedPhoneNumber = $api->validatePhoneNumber($phoneNumber);
// Phone number information
if ($validatedPhoneNumber->isValid()) {
    $number              = $validatedPhoneNumber->getNumber();              // 14158586273
    $localFormat         = $validatedPhoneNumber->getLocalFormat();         // 4158586273
    $internationalPrefix = $validatedPhoneNumber->getInternationalFormat(); // +14158586273
    $countryPrefix       = $validatedPhoneNumber->getCountryPrefix();       // +1
    $countryCode         = $validatedPhoneNumber->getCountryCode();         // US
    $countryName         = $validatedPhoneNumber->getCountryName();         // United States of America
    $location            = $validatedPhoneNumber->getLocation();            // Novato
    $carrier             = $validatedPhoneNumber->getCarrier();             // AT&T Mobility LLC
    $lineType            = $validatedPhoneNumber->getLineType();            // mobile

// Use optional country code parameter for local (non-E.164) phone numbers
$phoneNumber = '4158586273';
$countryCode = 'US';
$validatedPhoneNumber = $api->validatePhoneNumber($phoneNumber, $countryCode);
// PHP Interfaces
$stringRepresentation = (string) $validatedPhoneNumber;
$jsonRepresentation   = json_encode($validatedPhoneNumber);

$countries = $api->getCountries();
// Find countries (by country code or by name)
$unitedStates = $countries->findByCountryCode('US');
$japan        = $countries->findByCountryName('Japan');
// Country information
$usCountryCode = $unitedStates->getCountryCode(); // US
$usCountryName = $unitedStates->getCountryName(); // United States
$usDialingCode = $unitedStates->getDialingCode(); // +1
$japanCountryCode = $japan->getCountryCode();     // JP
$japanCountryName = $japan->getCountryName();     // Japan
$japanDialingCode = $japan->getDialingCode();     // +81
// Country collection is iterable
foreach ($countries as $country) {
    $countryCode = $country->getCountryCode();
    $countryName = $country->getCountryName();
    $dialingCode = $country->getDialingCode();
// Country collection PHP interfaces
$numberOfCountries  = count($countries);
$jsonRepresentation = json_encode($numberOfCountries);
// Country PHP interfaces
$stringRepresentation = (string) $unitedStates;   // US: United States (+1)
$jsonRepresentation   = json_encode($unitedStates);

     * Api constructor.
     * Requires an access (or api) key. You can get one from Numverify:
     * @see
     * Note: If you are on their free plan, $useHttps = true will not work for you.
     * @param  string                $accessKey  API access key.
     * @param  bool                  $useHttps   (optional) Flag to determine if API calls should use http or https.
     * @param  ClientInterface|null  $client     (optional) Parameter to provide your own Guzzle client.
     * @param  array<string, mixed>  $options    (optional) Array of options to pass to the Guzzle client.
    public function __construct(
        private readonly string $accessKey,
        bool $useHttps = false,
        ?ClientInterface $client = null,
        array $options = []

$useHttps = true;
$api      = new \Numverify\Api($accessKey, $useHttps);  // Optional second parameter

$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client([
    'base_uri' => '',
    'timeout => 10

$api = new \Numverify\Api($accessKey, $useHttps, $client);

$api = new \Numverify\Api($accessKey, $useHttps, null, ['timeout => 10]);

// or
$api = new \Numverify\Api($accessKey, $useHttps, options: ['timeout => 10]);

$api = new \Numverify\Api($accessKey, $useHttps, options: ['cachePath' => '/tmp']);

// Numverify API server error
try {
    $validatedPhoneNumber = $api->validatePhoneNumber($phoneNumber);
} catch (\Numverify\Exception\NumverifyApiFailureException $e) {
    $statusCode = $e->getStatusCode(); // 500
    $message    = $e->getMessage();    // Unknown error - 500 Internal Server Error

// Numverify API failure response
try {
    $validatedPhoneNumber = $api->validatePhoneNumber($phoneNumber);
} catch (\Numverify\Exception\NumverifyApiFailureException $e) {
    $statusCode = $e->getStatusCode(); // 200
    $message    = $e->getMessage();    // Type:invalid_access_key Code:101 Info:You have not supplied a valid API Access Key.
  "verify-api-client-php": "3.*"
$ php composer.phar install

$ php composer.phar