PHP code example of escopecz / mautic-form-submit

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download escopecz/mautic-form-submit library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


escopecz / mautic-form-submit example snippets

// Require Composer autoloader
e Mautic object
use Escopecz\MauticFormSubmit\Mautic;

// Define the namespace of the Mautic configuration object
use Escopecz\MauticFormSubmit\Mautic\Config;

// It's optional to declare the configuration object to change some default values.
// For example to disable Curl verbose logging.
$config = new Config;

// Instantiate the Mautic object with the base URL where the Mautic runs
$mautic = new Mautic('');

// Create a new instance of the Form object with the form ID 342
$form = $mautic->getForm(342);

// Submit provided data array to the form 342
$result = $form->submit(['f_email' => '[email protected]']);