PHP code example of erseco / mime-mail-parser
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download erseco/mime-mail-parser library. Choose the download type require. 2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php. 3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
erseco / mime-mail-parser example snippets
use Erseco\Message;
// Parse a message from a string
$rawEmail = file_get_contents('/path/to/email.eml');
$message = Message::fromString($rawEmail);
// Or parse from a file directly
$message = Message::fromFile('/path/to/email.eml');
$message->getHeaders(); // get all headers as array
$message->getHeader('Content-Type'); // get specific header
$message->getContentType(); // 'multipart/mixed; boundary="----=_Part_1_1234567890"'
$message->getFrom(); // 'Service <[email protected]>'
$message->getTo(); // 'John Doe <[email protected]>'
$message->getSubject(); // 'Subject line'
$message->getDate(); // DateTime object when the email was sent
$message->getParts(); // Returns array of MessagePart objects
$message->getHtmlPart(); // Returns MessagePart with HTML content
$message->getTextPart(); // Returns MessagePart with Text content
$message->getAttachments(); // Returns array of attachment MessageParts
// Working with message parts
$parts = $message->getParts();
$firstPart = $parts[0];
$firstPart->getHeaders(); // array of all headers for this part
$firstPart->getHeader('Content-Type'); // get specific header
$firstPart->getContentType(); // 'text/html; charset="utf-8"'
$firstPart->getContent(); // '<html><body>....'
$firstPart->isHtml(); // true if it's an HTML part
$firstPart->isText(); // true if it's a text part
$firstPart->isAttachment(); // true if it's an attachment
$firstPart->getFilename(); // name of the file if attachment
$firstPart->getSize(); // size of content in bytes