PHP code example of ernestmarcinko / mockutils

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ernestmarcinko/mockutils library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ernestmarcinko / mockutils example snippets

use ErnestMarcinko\MockUtils\MockUtils;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

class MyTest extends TestCase {
	use MockUtils;

use ErnestMarcinko\MockUtils\MockUtilsTestCase;

class MyTest extends MockUtilsTestCase {

protected function setGlobalMocks(array $global_mocks, ?string $namespace): void

namespace MyNamespace\MySubNamespace;

class MyClass {
	public function handler() {
		$response = curl_exec($curl); // you want to mock this
		//You do something with $response below

namespace MyTestNamespace;

class TestMyClass {
	public function testHandler() {
				'curl_exec' => 'response'
		$o = new MyClass();
		$this->assertSame( 'expected output', $o->handler() );

namespace MyTestNamespace;

class TestMyClass {
	public function testHandler() {
				'curl_exec' => function($curl) {
					return 'response';
		$o = new MyClass();
		$this->assertSame( 'expected output', $o->handler() );

protected function unsetGlobalMocks(?array $global_mocks=null): void

namespace MyTestNamespace;

class TestMyClass {
	public function testHandler() {
				'time' => fn()=>time()-3600,
				'json_decode' => array(),
				'strval' => fn($v)=>$v,
		$o = new MyClass();
		$this->assertSame( 'expected output 1', $o->handler() );
		$this->unsetGlobalMocks(array('time')); // unset just the time mock
		$this->assertSame( 'expected output 2', $o->handler() );
		$this->unsetGlobalMocks(); // unset all remaining mocks
		$this->assertSame( 'expected output 3', $o->handler() );

protected function expectCatchException(callable $fn, string $throwable, ?string $message = null): void 

namespace MyTestNamespace;

class TestMyClass {
	public function testHandler() {
			throw new Exception('hey!');
		}, Exception::class);
		// Execution continues
			throw new Exception('hey!');
		}, Exception::class, 'hey!');
		$o = new MyClass();
		$this->expectCatchException(fn()=>$o->handle(), Exception::class);
			'Exception message!'