PHP code example of erlandmuchasaj / laravel-file-uploader

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download erlandmuchasaj/laravel-file-uploader library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


erlandmuchasaj / laravel-file-uploader example snippets

use ErlandMuchasaj\LaravelFileUploader\FileUploader;

Route::post('/files', function (\Illuminate\Http\Request $request) {

    $max_size = (int) ini_get('upload_max_filesize') * 1000;
    // FileUploader::images() get all image extensions ex: jpg, png, jpeg, gif, etc.
    // FileUploader::documents() get all documents extensions ex: 'csv', 'html', 'pdf', 'doc', 'docx', 'ppt' etc.
    $extensions = implode(',', FileUploader::images());

        'file' => [
            '       ->with('success', __('File has been uploaded.'))
            ->with('file', $response);

 *  $response = [
 *      "type" => "image"
 *      "extension" => "png"
 *      "_extension" => "png"
 *      "name" => "blog3"
 *      "original_name" => "blog3.png"
 *      "size" => 549247
 *      "mime_type" => "image/png"
 *      "dimensions" => "670x841"
 *      "path" => "uploads/1/image/blog3_1678118034.png" // <==
 *      "url" => "/storage/uploads/1/image/blog3_1678118034.png"
 *      "user_id" => 1
 *      "disk" => "local"
 *      "visibility" => "public"
 *      "uuid" => "dd5889c0-5057-49ef-a6ef-e3da961a47d1"
 *  ]

    $path = 'uploads/1/image/blog3_1678118034.png'; // the path of the image where is stored.
    $response = FileUploader::get($path); // get file as StreamedResponse
    $response = FileUploader::getFile($path); // get file as content.
    $response = FileUploader::url($path); // full path url - /storage/uploads/1/image/blog3_1678118034.png
    $response = FileUploader::path($path); // C:\wamp\www\laravel-app\storage\app\uploads/1/image/blog3_1678118034.png
    $response = FileUploader::meta($path); // metadata about the file.
    * [
    *     "path" => "C:\wamp\www\laravel-app\storage\app\uploads/1/image/blog3_1678118034.png"
    *     "url" => "/storage/uploads/1/image/blog3_1678118034.png"
    *     "visibility" => "public"
    *     "mimeType" => "image/png"
    *     "size" => "536.37 KB"
    *     "last_modified" => "1 hour ago"
    *     "name" => "blog3_1678118034.png"
    *     "pathinfo" => [
    *         "dirname" => "uploads/1/image"
    *         "basename" => "blog3_1678118034.png"
    *         "extension" => "png"
    *         "filename" => "blog3_1678118034"
    *     ]
    * ]
    $response = FileUploader::download($path, 'something_nice'); // download the file as StreamedResponse
    $response = FileUploader::getVisibility($path); // file visibility when applicable private/public
    $response = FileUploader::setVisibility($path, 'private'); // change file visibility
    $response = FileUploader::remove($path); // delete a file

    $size = 549247;
    FileUploader::formatBytes($size); // "536.37 KB"
    FileUploader::convertBytesToSpecified($size, 'KB'); // 536.37KB
    FileUploader::convertBytesToSpecified($size, 'MB'); // 0.52MB
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ErlandMuchasaj\LaravelFileUploader\FileUploaderServiceProvider"