PHP code example of equit / totp

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download equit/totp library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


equit / totp example snippets

    $user->totpSecret = Totp::randomSecret()

    UrlGenerator::for($user->username)->urlFor(new Totp($user->totpSecret))

    (new Totp($user->totpSecret))->verify($inputOtp)

$user->totpSecret = encrypt(Totp::randomSecret());

$user->totpSecret = encrypt(Base32::encode(Totp::randomSecret()));


$user->notify(UrlGenerator::from("MyWebApp")->for($user->username)->urlFor(new Totp(decrypt($user->totpSecret)));

$isVerified = (new Totp(decrypt($user->totpSecret))->verify($inputOtp);

$isVerified = (new Totp(decrypt($user->totpSecret))->verify(password: $inputOtp, window: 1);

$generator = UrlGenerator::from("Equit");

foreach ($users as $user) {
   $totp = new Totp(algorithm: Totp::Sha512Algorithm);
   $user->totpSecret = $totp->secret();


$isVerified = (new Totp(decrypt($user->totpSecret))->verify($userInput);

$isVerified = (new Totp(decrypt($user->totpSecret))->verify(password: $inputOtp, window: 1);

$totp = new Totp(decrypt($user->totpSecret));

if ($user->highestUsedTotpCounter < $totp->counter()) {
    if ($totp->verify($inputOtp)) {
       $user->highestUsedTotpCounter = $totp->counter();
       // user is authenticated
    } else {
        // incorrect OTP
} else {
    // OTP has already been used

// ensure the secret is shredded

$totp = new Totp(decrypt($user->totpSecret));
$window = min(1, $totp->counter() - $user->highestUsedTotpCounter - 1);

if (0 <= $window) {
    if ($totp->verify(password: $inputOtp, window: $window)) {

// ensure the secret is shredded

// when provisioning
$totp = new Totp(hashAlgorithm: Totp::Sha256Algorithm);
// when verifying
$totp = new Totp(secret: decrypt($user->totpSecret), hashAlgorithm: Totp::Sha256Algorithm);

// when provisioning
$totp = new Totp(hashAlgorithm: Totp::Sha512Algorithm);
// when verifying
$totp = new Totp(secret: decrypt($user->totpSecret), hashAlgorithm: Totp::Sha512Algorithm);

// when provisioning
$totp = new Totp(timeStep: 60);
// when verifying
$totp = new Totp(secret: decrypt($user->totpSecret), timeStep: 60);

// when provisioning
$totp = new Totp(referenceTime: 86400);
// when verifying
$totp = new Totp(secret: decrypt($user->totpSecret), referenceTime: 86400);

// when provisioning
$totp = new Totp(referenceTime: new DateTime("1970-01-02 00:00:00", new DateTimeZone("UTC")));
// when verifying
$totp = new Totp(secret: decrypt($user->totpSecret), referenceTime: new DateTime("1970-01-02 00:00:00", new DateTimeZone("UTC")));

// when provisioning
$totp = new Totp(timeStep: 60, referenceTime: new DateTime("1970-01-02 00:00:00", new DateTimeZone("UTC")));
// when verifying
$totp = new Totp(secret: decrypt($user->totpSecret), timeStep: 60, referenceTime: new DateTime("1970-01-02 00:00:00", new DateTimeZone("UTC")));

// when provisioning
$totp = new Totp(
    timeStep: 60,
    referenceTime: new DateTime("1970-01-02 00:00:00", new DateTimeZone("UTC")),
    hashAlgorithm: Totp::Sha512Algorithm

// when verifying
$totp = new Totp(
    secret: decrypt($user->totpSecret),
    timeStep: 60,
    referenceTime: new DateTime("1970-01-02 00:00:00", new DateTimeZone("UTC")),
    hashAlgorithm: Totp::Sha512Algorithm

// when provisioning
$totp = Totp::eightDigits();
// when verifying
$totp = Totp::eightDigits(decrypt($user->totpSecret));

// when provisioning
$totp = Totp::eightDigits(
    timeStep: 60,
    referenceTime: new DateTime("1970-01-02 00:00:00", new DateTimeZone("UTC")),
    hashAlgorithm: Totp::Sha512Algorithm

// when verifying
$totp = Totp::eightDigits(
    secret: decrypt($user->totpSecret),
    timeStep: 60,
    referenceTime: new DateTime("1970-01-02 00:00:00", new DateTimeZone("UTC")),
    hashAlgorithm: Totp::Sha512Algorithm

// when provisioning
$totp = Totp::integer(9);
// when verifying
$totp = Totp::integer(digits: 9, secret: decrypt($user->totpSecret));

// when provisioning
$totp = Totp::integer(
    digits: 9,
    timeStep: 60,
    referenceTime: new DateTime("1970-01-02 00:00:00", new DateTimeZone("UTC")),
    hashAlgorithm: Totp::Sha512Algorithm

// when verifying
$totp = Totp::integer(
    digits: 9,
    secret: decrypt($user->totpSecret),
    timeStep: 60,
    referenceTime: new DateTime("1970-01-02 00:00:00", new DateTimeZone("UTC")),
    hashAlgorithm: Totp::Sha512Algorithm

// when provisioning
$totp = new Totp(renderer: new Steam());
// when verifying
$totp = new Totp(secret: decrypt($user->totpSecret), renderer: new Steam());

// when provisioning
$totp = new Totp(
    renderer: new Steam(),
    timeStep: 60,
    referenceTime: new DateTime("1970-01-02 00:00:00", new DateTimeZone("UTC")),
    hashAlgorithm: Totp::Sha512Algorithm

// when verifying
$totp = new Totp(
    renderer: new Steam(),
    secret: decrypt($user->totpSecret),
    timeStep: 60,
    referenceTime: new DateTime("1970-01-02 00:00:00", new DateTimeZone("UTC")),
    hashAlgorithm: Totp::Sha512Algorithm

$totp = new Totp(Base32::decode(decrypt($user->totpSecret)));
$totp = new Totp(Base64::decode(decrypt($user->totpSecret)));

$totp = new Totp(TotpSecret::fromBase32(decrypt($user->totpSecret)));
$totp = new Totp(TotpSecret::fromBase64(decrypt($user->totpSecret)));