PHP code example of enygma / modler

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download enygma/modler library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


enygma / modler example snippets

class TestModel extends \Modler\Model
    protected $properties = array(
        'test' => array(
            'description' => 'Test Property 1'
            'type' => 'varchar'
        'relateMe' => array(
            'description' => 'Relation Property 1',
            'type' => 'relation',
            'relation' => array(
                'model' => '\\MyApp\\OtherModel',
                'method' => 'findByTestValue',
                'local' => 'test'

$model = new TestModel();
$model->test = 'foo';

$model = new TestModel();
$otherModel = $model->relateMe;

$model = new TestModel();
echo $model->relateMe->otherModelProperty;

class OtherModel extends \Modler\Model
    protected $properties = array(
        'otherModelProperty' => array(
            'type' => 'varchar',
            'description' => 'Just another property'

    public function findByTestValue($value)
        /** some SQL that extracts the data */

class TestModel extends \Modler\Model
    'property1' => array(
        'description' => 'Property #1',
        'type' => 'varchar'
    'relateMe' => array(
        'description' => 'Return by value relation',
        'type' => 'relation',
        'relation' => array(
            'model' => '\\MyApp\\OtherModel',
            'method' => 'findByTestReturnValue',
            'local' => 'test',
            'return' => 'value'

class OtherModel extends \Modler\Model
    public function findByTestReturnValue($property1)
        return 'this is a value';

// Then, in the "relateMe" property we'd get...
if ($testModel->relateMe === 'this is a value') {
    echo 'Valid match!';

class OtherModel extends \Modler\Model
    protected $properties = array(
        'prop1' => array(
            'description' => 'Property #1 (Required)',
            'type' => 'varchar',

class UserModel extends \Modler\Model\Mysql
    protected $tableName = 'users';

    protected $properties = [
        'username' => ['column' => 'username']

$db = new PDO('mysql:hostname=;dbname="testdb', 'username', 'password');
$user = new UserModel($db);

// Finding a user by the "id" column, loads the data into the user

// Or using custom criteria
$user->find(['username' => 'foobar']);

// Creating a new user
$user = new UserModel($db);
$user->username = 'newuser1';

// Updating the username property and saving
$user->username = 'foobarbaz';

// Deleting a user
$user = new UserModel($db);

$hats = new HatsCollection();
$hats->add(array('test' => 'foo'));

foreach ($hats as $value) {
    print_r($value); // will output the "test" => "foo" data

echo 'Items in collection: '.count($hats)."\n";

$hat1 = new HatModel();
$hat1->type = 'fedora';

$hat2 = new HatModel();
$hat2->type = 'sombrero';

$hats = new HatsCollection();

$result = $hats->toArray(true);

 * Result will be array(
 *     array('type' => 'fedora'),
 *     array('type' => 'sombrero')
 * )

class UserCollection extends \Modler\Collection\Mysql
    public function findUsersByType($type)
        $sql = 'select username from users where type = :type';
        $results = $this->fetch($sql, array('type' => $type));

        foreach ($results as $result) {
            $user = new Usermodel($this->getDb(), $result);

class HatsCollection extends \Modler\Collection
    public function findColorsByType($type)
        foreach ($results as $result) {
            $color = new \Modler\Color($result);

class HatModel extends \Modler\Model
    protected $properties = array(
        'type' => array(
            'description' => 'Hat Type',
            'type' => 'varchar'
        'colors' => array(
            'description' => 'Hat Colors',
            'type' => 'relation',
            'relation' => array(
                'model' => '\\Modler\\HatsCollection',
                'method' => 'findColorsByType',
                'local' => 'type'

$hat = new HatModel();
$hat->type = 'toque';

// This returns a Hats Collection with the data populated
$colors = $hat->colors;

$this->collection->add(array('foo' => 'bar'));
$this->collection->add(array('baz' => 'test'));

$filtered = $this->collection->filter(function($value) {
    return (isset($value['foo']));



// This will return: array('bar', 'baz', 'test')
$sliced = $this->collection->slice(1);

// This will return: array('baz')
$sliced = $this->collection->slice(2, 1);

class HatModel extends \Modler\Model
    protected $properties = array(
        'id' => array(
            'description' => 'Hat ID',
            'type' => 'integer',
            'guard' => true
        'type' => array(
            'description' => 'Hat Type',
            'type' => 'varchar'

// Now if we try to set it...
$hat = new HatModel();
$hat->id = 1234;

var_export($hat->id); // result is NULL

// Calling load has the same effect
$hat->load(array('id' => 1234));

$data = array('id' => 1234);
$hat->load($data, false);

var_export($hat->id); // result is 1234

class UserModel extends \Modler\Model
    protected $properties = array(
        'username' => array(
            'description' => 'Username',
            'type' => 'varchar'
        'password' => array(
            'description' => 'Password',
            'type' => 'varchar'

// To get the result without the password, we call it with the filter paramater
$user = new UserModel(
    array('username' => 'foobar', 'password' => password_hash('foobar'))

$result = $user->toArray(array('password'));
print_r($result); // results in an array with just array('username' => 'foobar')

// Add a bunch of items to our collection
$data = array('foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'quux', 'foobar', 'barbaz');
$collection = new \Modler\Collection();
foreach ($data as $value) {

// You can limit the current collection and return
$collection = $collection->take(3);

 // this returns 3
echo 'count: '.count($collection);

// This returns Array('foo', 'bar', 'baz')

// Add a bunch of items to our collection
$data = array('foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'quux', 'foobar', 'barbaz');
$collection = new \Modler\Collection();
foreach ($data as $value) {


// returns Array('bar', 'barbaz', 'baz', 'foo', 'foobar', 'quux');


// Add a bunch of items to our collection
$data = array('foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'quux', 'foobar', 'barbaz');
$collection = new \Modler\Collection();
foreach ($data as $value) {

$collection->order(\Modler\Collection::SORT_DESC, 'test');

 * Returns set of objects ex:
 * [0] => stdClass Object
 *  ( [test] => bar )
 * [1] => stdClass Object
 *  ( [test] => barbaz )
 * [2] => stdClass Object
 *  ( [test] => baz )

$ignore = array('prop1');
try {
    echo 'Success!';
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo 'Never gets here.';