PHP code example of ensi / laravel-test-factories

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ensi/laravel-test-factories library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ensi / laravel-test-factories example snippets

use Ensi\LaravelTestFactories\Factory;

class CustomerFactory extends Factory
    public ?int $id = null;
    public ?FileFactory $avatarFactory = null;
    public ?array $addressFactories = null;

    protected function definition(): array
        return [
            'id' => $this->whenNotNull($this->id, $this->id),
            'user_id' => $this->faker->randomNumber(),
            'is_active' => $this->faker->boolean(),
            'date_start' => $this->faker->dateTime(),
            'avatar' => $this->avatarFactory?->make(),
            'addresses' => $this->executeNested($this->addressFactories, new FactoryMissingValue()),

    public function make(array $extra = []): CustomerDTO
        static::$index += 1;

        return new CustomerDTO($this->mergeDefinitionWithExtra($extra));

    public function withId(?int $id = null): self
        return $this->immutableSet('id', $id ?? $this->faker->randomNumber());

    public function withAvatar(FileFactory $factory = null): self
        return $this->immutableSet('avatarFactory', $factory ?? FileFactory::new());

    public function 

$customerData1 = CustomerFactory::new()->make(['user_id' => 2]);

    public function make(array $extra = []): array
        return $this->makeArray($extra);

$customerDataObjects = CustomerFactory::new()->makeSeveral(3); // returns Illuminate\Support\Collection with 3 elements

$this->faker->randomList(fn() => $this->faker->numerify(), 0, 10) // => ['123', ..., '456']
$this->faker->nullable() // equivalent for $this->faker->optional(), but work with boolean parameter or global static setting
$this->faker->exactly($value) // return $value. Example: $this->faker->nullable()->exactly(AnotherFactory::new()->make())
$this->faker->carbon() // return CarbonInterface
$this->faker->modelId() // return unsigned bit integer value

    class ClientAmountFactory extends BaseModelFactory
    use WithSetPkTrait;

    protected $model = ClientAmount::class;

    public function definition(): array
        return array_merge($this->getPk(), [
            'amount' => $this->faker->numberBetween(1, 1_000_000),

    public function getPkFields(): array
        return ['client_id', 'location_id'];

    public function setPk(?int $clientId = null, ?string $locationId = null): self // Use in tests to define values
        return $this->state(function () use ($clientId, $locationId) {
            return $this->generatePk($clientId, $locationId);

    protected function generatePk(?int $clientId = null, ?string $locationId = null): array
        $clientIdFormat = $clientId ?: '\d{10}';
        $locationIdFormat = $locationId ?: '[0-9]{1,10}';

        $unique = $this->faker->unique()->regexify("/^{$clientIdFormat}_{$locationIdFormat}");

        $uniqueArr = explode('_', $unique);

        return [
            'client_id' => (int)$uniqueArr[0],
            'location_id' => $uniqueArr[1],