PHP code example of enlumop / discord-webhook-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download enlumop/discord-webhook-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


enlumop / discord-webhook-client example snippets

use Enlumop\DiscordWebhooks\Embed;
use Enlumop\DiscordWebhooks\Payload;
use Enlumop\DiscordWebhooks\WebhookClient;

// Create embed
$embed = new Embed();
$embed->setDescription('This is an embed'); // with description

$url = 'DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL'; // Put your discord webhook url

// Create Payload
$payload = new Payload();
$payload->setUsername('Example Webhook Bot') // Change discord bot webhook username
    ->setMessage('This is a message') // Some text before embed
    ->addEmbed($embed) // Add embed

// New discord webhook client
$webhook = new WebhookClient();
// Send message
$webhook->send($url, $payload);

use Enlumop\DiscordWebhooks\Payload;
use Enlumop\DiscordWebhooks\WebhookClient;

$url = 'DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL'; // Put your discord webhook url

// Create Payload
$payload = new Payload();
$payload->setMessage('This is a message'); // Some text. If You need use the Message Builder

// New discord webhook client
$webhook = new WebhookClient();
// Send message
$webhook->send($url, $payload);

use Enlumop\DiscordWebhooks\Builder\TextFormattingCombine;
use Enlumop\DiscordWebhooks\Builder\TextMessageBuilder;
use Enlumop\DiscordWebhooks\Payload;
use Enlumop\DiscordWebhooks\WebhookClient;

$url = 'DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL'; // Put your discord webhook url

// Builder with on auto-newline mode (to disable auto-newline use new TextMessageBuilder(false))
$messageBuilder = new TextMessageBuilder();
$message = $messageBuilder->addText('<@ROLE_ID>') // ping some role
    ->addText('How are you?') // some text without format
    ->addBold("It's time for new webhook tool!") // **Text with bold**
     * Text with multiline codeblock: