PHP code example of endeken / ofx-php-parser

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download endeken/ofx-php-parser library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


endeken / ofx-php-parser example snippets


try {
    // Load the OFX data
    $ofxData = file_get_contents('path_to_your_ofx_file.ofx');

    // Parse the OFX data
    $parsedData = OFX::parse($ofxData);

    // $parsedData is an instance of OFXData which gives you access to all parsed data

    // Access the sign-on status code
    $statusCode = $parsedData->signOn->status->code;

    // Accessing bank accounts data
    $bankAccounts = $parsedData->bankAccounts;
    foreach($bankAccounts as $account) {
        echo 'Account ID: ' .$account->accountNumber . PHP_EOL;
        echo 'Bank ID: ' .$account->routingNumber . PHP_EOL;

        // Loop through each transaction
        foreach ($account->statement->transactions as $transaction) {
            echo 'Transaction Type: ' . $transaction->type . PHP_EOL;
            echo 'Date: ' . $transaction->date . PHP_EOL;
            echo 'Amount: ' . $transaction->amount . PHP_EOL;

} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'An error occurred: ' . $e->getMessage();
$ composer