PHP code example of encodia / laravel-dotenv-editor
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download encodia/laravel-dotenv-editor library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
encodia / laravel-dotenv-editor example snippets
namespace Your\Namespace;
// ...
use Jackiedo\DotenvEditor\Facades\DotenvEditor;
class YourClass
public function yourMethod()
$return = DotenvEditor::doSomething();
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
// ...
use Jackiedo\DotenvEditor\DotenvEditor;
class TestDotenvEditorController extends Controller
protected $editor;
public function __construct(DotenvEditor $editor)
$this->editor = $editor;
public function doSomething()
$return = $this->editor->doSomething();
* Load file for working
* @param string|null $filePath The file path
* @param boolean $restoreIfNotFound Restore this file from other file if it's not found
* @param string|null $restorePath The file path you want to restore from
* @return DotenvEditor
public function load($filePath = null, $restoreIfNotFound = false, $restorePath = null);
// Working with the dotenv file that Laravel is using
$editor = DotenvEditor::load();
// Working with file .env.example in root folder of project
$editor = DotenvEditor::load(base_path('.env.example'));
// Working with file .env.backup in folder storage/dotenv-editor/backups/
$editor = DotenvEditor::load(storage_path('dotenv-editor/backups/.env.backup'));
* Get raw content of file
* @return string
public function getContent();
$rawContent = DotenvEditor::getContent();
* Get all entries from file
* @return array
public function getEntries(bool $withParsedData = false);
$lines = DotenvEditor::getEntries(true);
* Get all or exists given keys in file content
* @param array $keys
* @return array
public function getKeys($keys = []);
// Get all keys
$keys = DotenvEditor::getKeys();
// Only get two given keys if exists
$keys = DotenvEditor::getKeys(['APP_DEBUG', 'APP_URL']);
* Return information of entry matching to a given key in the file content.
* @throws KeyNotFoundException
* @return array
public function getKey($key);
// Get all keys
$keys = DotenvEditor::getKey('EXAMPLE_KEY');
* Check, if a given key is exists in the file content
* @param string $keys
* @return bool
public function keyExists($key);
$keyExists = DotenvEditor::keyExists('APP_URL');
* Return the value matching to a given key in the file content
* @param $key
* @throws KeyNotFoundException
* @return string
public function getValue($key);
$value = DotenvEditor::getValue('APP_URL');
* Add empty line to buffer
* @return DotenvEditor
public function addEmpty();
$editor = DotenvEditor::addEmpty();
* Add comment line to buffer
* @param string $comment
* @return DotenvEditor
public function addComment(string $comment);
$editor = DotenvEditor::addComment('This is a comment line');
* Set one key to|in the buffer.
* @param string $key Key name of setter
* @param null|string $value Value of setter
* @param null|string $comment Comment of setter
* @param null|bool $export Leading key name by "export "
* @return DotenvEditor
public function setKey(string $key, ?string $value = null, ?string $comment = null, $export = null);
// Set key ENV_KEY with empty value
$editor = DotenvEditor::setKey('ENV_KEY');
// Set key ENV_KEY with none empty value
$editor = DotenvEditor::setKey('ENV_KEY', 'anything you want');
// Set key ENV_KEY with a value and comment
$editor = DotenvEditor::setKey('ENV_KEY', 'anything you want', 'your comment');
// Update key ENV_KEY with a new value and keep earlier comment
$editor = DotenvEditor::setKey('ENV_KEY', 'new value 1');
// Update key ENV_KEY with a new value, keep previous comment and use the 'export' keyword before key name
$editor = DotenvEditor::setKey('ENV_KEY', 'new value', null, true);
// Update key ENV_KEY with a new value, remove comment and keep previous export status
$editor = DotenvEditor::setKey('ENV_KEY', 'new-value-2', '');
// Update key ENV_KEY with a new value, remove comment and export keyword
$editor = DotenvEditor::setKey('ENV_KEY', 'new-value-2', '', false);
* Set many keys to buffer
* @param array $data
* @return DotenvEditor
public function setKeys($data);
* Set the comment for setter.
* @param string $key Key name of setter
* @param null|string $comment The comment content
* @return DotenvEditor
public function setSetterComment(string $key, ?string $comment = null);
* Set the export status for setter.
* @param string $key Key name of setter
* @param bool $state Leading key name by "export "
* @return DotenvEditor
public function setExportSetter(string $key, bool $state = true);
* Delete on key in buffer
* @param string $key Key name of setter
* @return DotenvEditor
public function deleteKey($key);
$editor = DotenvEditor::deleteKey('ENV_KEY');
* Delete many keys in buffer
* @param array $keys
* @return DotenvEditor
public function deleteKeys($keys = []);
// Delete two keys
$editor = DotenvEditor::deleteKeys(['ENV_KEY_1', 'ENV_KEY_2']);
* Determine if the buffer has changed.
* @return bool
public function hasChanged();
* Save buffer to file.
* @param bool $rebuildBuffer Rebuild buffer from content of dotenv file
* @return DotenvEditor
public function save(bool $rebuildBuffer = true);
$editor = DotenvEditor::save();
* Create one backup of loaded file
* @return DotenvEditor
public function backup();
$editor = DotenvEditor::backup();
* Return an array with all available backups
* @return array
public function getBackups();
$backups = DotenvEditor::getBackups();
* Return the information of the latest backup file
* @return array
public function getLatestBackup();
$latestBackup = DotenvEditor::getLatestBackup();
* Restore the loaded file from latest backup file or from special file.
* @param string|null $filePath
* @return DotenvEditor
public function restore($filePath = null);
// Restore from latest backup
$editor = DotenvEditor::restore();
// Restore from other file
$editor = DotenvEditor::restore(storage_path('dotenv-editor/backups/.env.backup_2017_04_10_152709'));
* Delete the given backup file
* @param string $filePath
* @return DotenvEditor
public function deleteBackup($filePath);