PHP code example of ems / permit

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ems/permit library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ems / permit example snippets

//Return the current user (always returns a user object)

// Set the current user

// Check if the user is logged in

// Check if the current user has access to permission 'cms.access'

// Check if user $joe has access to permission 'user.destroy'

interface CurrentUser\ContainerInterface{

  public function user();
  public function setUser($user);
  public function clearUser();


    public function getAuthId();

    // returns 1, 0,-1
    public function getPermissionAccess($code);

    public function setPermissionAccess($code, $access);

    // returns an indexed array of all codes
    public function permissionCodes($inherited=true);

    // returns if the user is a guest, same as !Auth::loggedIn()
    public function isGuest();

    // returns if the user is the system itself (like cron or console)
    public function isSystem();

    public function isSuperUser();

interface CurrentUser\DualContainerInterface extends ContainerInterface{

    const BOTH = 0;

    const ACTUAL = 1;

    const STACKED = 2;

    // returns the user, which submitted the login form
    public function actualUser();

    public function setActualUser(HolderInterface $user, $persist=true);

    // Returns the user the actual user wants to be temporarly
    public function stackedUser();

    public function setStackedUser(HolderInterface $user, $persist=true);

    // Force the returned user to be the actualUser().
    // This is very handy if you have an admin interface and the user should
    // be the actualUser inside the admin interface and outside of the the
    // stacked one
    // Laravel Route::when('admin*', Auth::forceActual());
    public function forceActual($force=TRUE);

    // Returns if the currently returned user by user() is the actual user
    public function isActual();

    // Resets this container (logout)
    public function reset($type=self::BOTH);