PHP code example of eloquent / liberator

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download eloquent/liberator library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


eloquent / liberator example snippets

class SeriousBusiness
    private function foo($adjective)
        return 'foo is ' . $adjective;

    private $bar = 'mind';

use Eloquent\Liberator\Liberator;

$object = new SeriousBusiness;
$liberator = Liberator::liberate($object);

echo $liberator->foo('not so private...'); // outputs 'foo is not so private...'
echo $liberator->bar . ' = blown';         // outputs 'mind = blown'

class SeriousBusiness
    static private function baz($adjective)
        return 'baz is ' . $adjective;

    static private $qux = 'mind';

use Eloquent\Liberator\Liberator;

$liberator = Liberator::liberateClass('SeriousBusiness');

echo $liberator->baz('not so private...'); // outputs 'baz is not so private...'
echo $liberator->qux . ' = blown';         // outputs 'mind = blown'

use Eloquent\Liberator\Liberator;

$liberatorClass = Liberator::liberateClassStatic('SeriousBusiness');

echo $liberatorClass::baz('not so private...');      // outputs 'baz is not so private...'
echo $liberatorClass::liberator()->qux . ' = blown'; // outputs 'mind = blown'