PHP code example of elnelsonperez / kendo-grid-parser

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download elnelsonperez/kendo-grid-parser library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


elnelsonperez / kendo-grid-parser example snippets

    public function list(Request $request, KendoGridService $service)
        $valid = $this->validate($request, [
            'skip'   => 'numeric|nullable',
            'take'   => 'numeric|nullable',
            'sort'   => 'array|nullable',
            'filter' => 'array|nullable'

        // Base query. It's convenient to wrap the inner query before applying any grid filters
        $query = DB::query()->fromSub(
            User::selectRaw(' user_id,, addresses.address')
                ->leftJoin('addresses', 'addresses.user_id', '=',''), 'T'

        $result_query = $service->execute(
            // Grid State
            // Grid columns and types (string, number, date, or boolean)
                'user_id'                           => 'number',
                'name'                              => 'string',
                'address'                           => 'string',
            // The query builder instance to apply the filters to. 
            // The service detects the query builder instance class and chooses which adapter to use to build the resulting
            // query builder based on the packages configuration

        return response([
            'data'  => $result_query->get(),
            'total' => $result_query->count()