PHP code example of ella123 / hyperf-throttle

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ella123/hyperf-throttle library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ella123 / hyperf-throttle example snippets

 * 频率限制
#[\Ella123\HyperfThrottle\Annotation\Throttle(limit: 60,timer: 60)]
class A {
    #[\Ella123\HyperfThrottle\Annotation\Throttle(limit: 60,timer: 60)] 
    public function name() {

 * 重复提交
#[\Ella123\HyperfThrottle\Annotation\Resubmit(limit: 1,timer: 60)]
class B {
    #[\Ella123\HyperfThrottle\Annotation\Resubmit(limit: 1,timer: 60)]
    public function submit() {

 * 短信限制(支持定义不同规则)
#[\Ella123\HyperfThrottle\Annotation\SmsMinuteLimit(limit: 1,timer: 60)]
#[\Ella123\HyperfThrottle\Annotation\SmsHourLimit(limit: 5,timer: 3600)]
#[\Ella123\HyperfThrottle\Annotation\SmsDayLimit(limit: 15,timer: 86400)]
class C {
    #[\Ella123\HyperfThrottle\Annotation\SmsMinuteLimit(limit: 1,timer: 60)]
    #[\Ella123\HyperfThrottle\Annotation\SmsHourLimit(limit: 5,timer: 3600)]
    #[\Ella123\HyperfThrottle\Annotation\SmsDayLimit(limit: 15,timer: 86400)]
    public function send() {
php bin/hyperf.php vendor:publish ella123/hyperf-throttle