PHP code example of eljam / guzzle-jwt-middleware

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download eljam/guzzle-jwt-middleware library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


eljam / guzzle-jwt-middleware example snippets

use Eljam\GuzzleJwt\JwtMiddleware;
use Eljam\GuzzleJwt\Manager\JwtManager;
use Eljam\GuzzleJwt\Strategy\Auth\QueryAuthStrategy;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack;


$baseUri = '';

// Create authClient
$authClient = new Client(['base_uri' => $baseUri]);

//Create the JwtManager
$jwtManager = new JwtManager(
        'token_url' => '/api/token',

// Create a HandlerStack
$stack = HandlerStack::create();

// Add middleware
$stack->push(new JwtMiddleware($jwtManager));

$client = new Client(['handler' => $stack, 'base_uri' => $baseUri]);

try {
    $response = $client->get('/api/ping');
} catch (TransferException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();


$authStrategy = new QueryAuthStrategy(
        'username' => 'admin',
        'password' => 'admin',
        'query_fields' => ['username', 'password'],

$authStrategy = new FormAuthStrategy(
        'username' => 'admin',
        'password' => 'admin',
        'form_fields' => ['username', 'password'],

$authStrategy = new HttpBasicAuthStrategy(
        'username' => 'admin',
        'password' => 'password',

$authStrategy = new JsonAuthStrategy(
        'username' => 'admin',
        'password' => 'admin',
        'json_fields' => ['username', 'password'],

use Eljam\GuzzleJwt\Persistence\SimpleCacheTokenPersistence;
use Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface;

 * @var CacheInterface

$persistenceStrategy = new SimpleCacheTokenPersistence($psr16cache);

use Eljam\GuzzleJwt\Persistence\SimpleCacheTokenPersistence;
use Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface;

 * @var CacheInterface

$ttl = 1800;
$cacheKey = 'myUniqueKey';

$persistenceStrategy = new SimpleCacheTokenPersistence($psr16cache, $ttl, $cacheKey);

namespace App\Jwt\Persistence;

use Eljam\GuzzleJwt\Persistence\TokenPersistenceInterface;

class MyCustomPersistence implements TokenPersistenceInterface
     * Save the token data.
     * @param JwtToken $token
    public function saveToken(JwtToken $token)
        // Use APCu, Redis or whatever fits your needs.

     * Retrieve the token from storage and return it.
     * Return null if nothing is stored.
     * @return JwtToken Restored token
    public function restoreToken()
        return null;

     * Delete the saved token data.
    public function deleteToken()

     * Returns true if a token exists (although it may not be valid)
     * @return bool
    public function hasToken()
        return false;

$jwtManager = new JwtManager(
        'token_url'  => '/api/token',
        'token_key'  => 'payload.token',
        'expire_key' => 'expires_in'

$jwtManager = new JwtManager(
        'token_url' => '/api/token',
        'token_key' => 'access_token',

$stack->push(new JwtMiddleware($jwtManager, 'JWT'));

$jwtManager = new JwtManager(
        'token_url' => '/api/token',
        'token_key' => 'access_token',
        'expire_key' => 'expires_in', # default is expires_in if not set