PHP code example of elioair / chesscaptcha

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download elioair/chesscaptcha library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


elioair / chesscaptcha example snippets

// The array that contains the configuration for the php side
  $config = [
    'matemode'=>'no', // yes or no
    'nojsfallback'=>'no', // yes or no; activate the fallback in case js is disabled
    'titleoverride'=>'Copy the position below', // text override
    'titlemateoverride'=>'Mate-In-One', // text override
    'helpoverride'=>'Drag the pieces into the board to copy the given position. To remove a piece drag it out of the board.', // text override
    'startoverride'=>'Start', // text override
    'clearoverride'=>'Clear', // text override
    'pieceStyle'=>'wikipedia', // the name of the piece style to use or 'random', default is 'wikipedia'


<form ...>
  <!-- The #chesscaptcha div where the captcha will be rendered. If needed you can change the # in the $config array -->
  <div id="chesscaptcha"> if($config['nojsfallback'] == 'yes'){ echo $chesscaptcha->noJsHtml($config['pieceImages']);}
// The object containing the configuration for the js side
var chessCaptchaParams = {
    cc_divId: ' echo $config['divId'];