PHP code example of elegantly / laravel-seo

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download elegantly/laravel-seo library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


elegantly / laravel-seo example snippets

return [

    'defaults' => [
        | Default Title
        | This is the default value used for <title>, "og:title", "twitter:title"
        'title' => env('APP_NAME', 'Laravel'),

        | Default Description
        | This is the default value used for <meta name="description">, <meta property="og:description">, <meta name="twitter:description">
        'description' => null,

        | Default Keywords
        | This is the default value used for <meta name="keywords">
        | Type supported: string or array of strings
        'keywords' => null,

        | Default Image path
        | This is the default value used for <meta property="og:image">, <meta name="twitter:image">
        | You can use relative path like "/opengraph.png" or url like ""
        'image' => null,

        | Default Robots
        | This is the default value used for <meta name="robots">
        | See Google documentation here:
        'robots' => 'max-snippet:-1,max-image-preview:large,max-video-preview:-1',

        | Default Sitemap path
        | This is the default value used for <link rel="sitemap">
        | You can use relative path like "/sitemap.xml" or url like ""
        'sitemap' => null,

     * @see
    'opengraph' => [
        | Default Site Name
        | This is the default value used for <meta property="og:site_name" />
        | If null: config('') is used.
        'site_name' => null,

        | Default Determiner
        | This is the default value used for <meta property="og:determiner" />
        | Possible values are: a, an, the, "", auto
        'determiner' => '',

     * @see
    'twitter' => [
        | Default Twitter username
        | This is the default value used for <meta name="twitter:site" />
        | Example: @X
        'site' => null,

     * @see
    'schema' => [
        | Default WebPage schema
        | This is the default value used for the schema WebPage
        | @see for all available properties
        'defaults' => [],


    {!! seo() !!}

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use \Elegantly\Seo\SeoManager;

class HomeController extends Controller
    function __invoke()
        return view('home', [
            'seo' => SeoManager::default(
                title: "Homepage",

    {!! seo($seo) !!}

use Elegantly\Seo\SeoManager;
use Elegantly\Seo\SeoTags;
use Elegantly\Seo\Standard\StandardData;
use Elegantly\Seo\OpenGraph\OpenGraph;
use Elegantly\Seo\Twitter\Cards\Card;
use Elegantly\Seo\Schemas\Schema;

$seo = new SeoManager(
    standard: new StandardData(
        // ...
    opengraph: new OpenGraph(
        // ...
    twitter: new Card(
        // ...
    schemas: [
        new Schema(
            // ...
    customTags: new SeoTags(
        // ...

    {!! seo($seo) !!}
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="seo-config"