PHP code example of elcodedocle / chbspassgen

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download elcodedocle/chbspassgen library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


elcodedocle / chbspassgen example snippets

$passwordGenerator = new synapp\info\tools\passwordgenerator\PasswordGenerator();  // Expects a dictionary generated from a source on a file named 'top10000.txt'

$password = $passwordGenerator->generatePassword(); // Generates a password with default settings

$entropy = $passwordGenerator->getEntropy(); // entropy of the last generated password (won't change unless you change settings)

// Here is a quick debrief on the class constructor parameters (See the phpdoc blocks for more info):

$passwordGenerator = new synapp\info\tools\passwordgenerator\PasswordGenerator(
  // the dictionary 
  // (null defaults to new Dictionary($this->defaultDictionaryFilename,$minReadWordsWordSize))
  // with $this->defaultDictionaryFilename set to 'top10000.txt'
  $dictionary = null, 
  // set the level of entropy used when none is explicitly specified on the generatePassword() call
  // (null defaults to $this->defaultLevel, set to 2)
  $level = 2, 
  // a string of unique chars from where to randomly choose the password separator 
  // (null defaults to $this->defaultSeparator, set to ' ')
  $separators = ' ', 
  // an ascending ordered array of ints containing the minimum entropies for each level
  // (null defaults to $this->defaultMinEntropies, set to array(64,80,112,128))
  $minEntropies = array(64,80,112,128), 
  // boolean, whether to use selected random variations on the password words to increase entropy 
  // defaults to true
  $useVariations = false, 
  // (array of booleans which activate random variations on the words, increasing entropy. 
  // Valid keys: 'allcaps', 'capitalize', 'punctuate', 'addslashes'). Use null for defaults.
  $variations = null, 
  // Minimum length of the words used to create the password
  // (null defaults to $this->defaultMinWordSize, set to 4)
  $minWordSize = 4, 
  // Minimum length of the words read from the dictionary source
  // (null defaults to $this->defaultMinReadWordsWordSize, set to 4)
  $minReadWordsWordSize = 4, //(minimum length of the words read from the Dictionary source)
  // the pseudoaleatory random generator (new CryptoSecurePRNG() by default)
  $prng = new synapp\info\tools\passwordgenerator\cryptosecureprng\CryptoSecurePRNG() 

// generatePassword method takes almost the same parameters as the contructor:

$password = $passwordGenerator->generatePassword(
  $dictionary = null,     // use null to skip parameters (set to the current setting)
  $minEntropy = null,     // and here too, and anywhere else when you want to
  $level = 1,             // specify further parameters like this one
  $separators = '_ -',    // and this one
  $useVariations = true,  // and this one
  $variations = array(    // and this one too 
    'allcaps'=>true,      // (BTW, this system also works in the constructor, where you can
    'capitalize'=>true    // specify some params and leave others to their defaults using null)

// getEntropy can return a pretty accurate estimate of the entropy of the last generated 
// password, but can also be given a password and a set of parameters to extract its entropy

$entropy = $passwordGenerator->getEntropy(
 $dictionary = null, 
 $variationsCount = null, 
 $lastOrSeparator = true, 
 $separatorsCount = null